Low temperature and high humidity protection leek susceptible to gray mold

Botrytis cinerea is one of the most common diseases of the winter-spring protected areas, and it is mostly infected by the tip of the leaf, and it quickly develops to make the tip of the leaf necrotic. When the air is wet, the diseased part rots and the surface has a gray moldy layer. When the air is dry, the plants are more dry and not only affect the yield, but also the diseased leaves are often accompanied by a musty smell, which reduces the quality.

Low temperature, high humidity and lack of light are the main conditions for the occurrence and spread of grey mold of leeks. The temperature is between 15 and 21°C, and the relative humidity of the air is above 85%. Long-term continuous cropping is conducive to the accumulation of germs and the incidence is serious. Excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, nutrient supply inconsistent leeks field, easy to disease. The temperature in the shed has continued to rise and fall for several consecutive days.

Prevention and control of leek gray mold should take comprehensive measures. (1) Agricultural measures. While applying nitrogen fertilizer, farmyard manure and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be reasonably increased. Watering should be done with a small amount of water to help increase the ground temperature. Shallow cultivating soil 2 to 3 times after each harvest to reduce the humidity in the shed. According to the weather conditions, the ventilation of the greenhouse film should be properly opened at noon to reduce the temperature and humidity. Clean up the diseased leaves and old leaves in time and concentrate them deeply. Severe disease fields can be rotated for 2 to 3 years with cruciferous, gourd, and other vegetables, and can not be rotated with onions and garlic. Botrytis cinerea is easily invaded by wounds. When the temperature is too low in the winter, it is necessary to temporarily deduct a small shed to prevent freezing injury and reduce the occurrence of gray mold. (2) Chemical control. After each harvest, spray should be sprayed with 50% Procymidone WP 1200x, or 50% Isoflurthanum WP 1000x, or 50% Carbendazim WP 600x. Every 7 to 10 days once, continuous control 2 to 3 times. At the beginning of the disease, 10% procymidone smoke agent or 45% chlorothalonil smoke agent can be used for smoke prevention and treatment. 250-300 grams of smoke agent per acre is used, and 8-10 points are placed in an hour, and 3-4 hours are smoked with dark fire.

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