Latest discovery: Top 10 new benefits of Apple

1. Lower blood pressure: A number of studies have found that apple cider vinegar can lower blood pressure. The latest study found that women eating 75 grams of dried apples a day can reduce bad cholesterol levels by 25% while increasing good cholesterol levels. Recommendation: In addition to eating one apple a day, drink apple cider vinegar properly.

2. Anti-dental disease: Tannins in apples help prevent periodontal disease. Eating apples also has the effect of solid teeth cleaning. Recommendation: Eat one apple a day.

3. Stop diarrhea: Pectin in apples is more than other fruits, helping to balance the intestinal flora and prevent diarrhea. Recommendation: When you have diarrhea, eat apples every few hours. It is best to cook the apples to soften the cellulose and to ease bowel movements.

4. Snoring: Overdosing or eating too much greasy or sweet food is easy to burp. Apple cider vinegar helps restore normal stomach acid levels and relieve snoring. Suggestion: Add 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar in water, then drink it a little.

5. Preventing Osteoporosis: A French study found that only the complex root bark that is found in apples can reduce inflammation-related bone loss. In addition, botanical hormones and trace elements in apples help restore estrogen levels and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Recommendation: Eat more apples from a young age.

6. Treatment of warts: Sputum may be caused by the lack of calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamin B, C, etc. These can all be determined by the apple. Suggestion: Drink 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in water, 3 times a day.

7. Anti-Asthma: A British study found that adults who eat at least two apples a week can reduce the risk of asthma by 1/3. Another study found that when mothers eat apples during pregnancy, their asthma risk is significantly reduced before the age of 5 years. Recommendation: Apple's antioxidants are mainly in the skin, and it is best to eat one apple per day.

8. Solution bee venom: Apple vinegar has the effect of bee venom, which can relieve itching and pain after bee sting. There is also an effect on the jellyfish poison. Recommendation: Apply cotton wool apple cider vinegar to the affected area.

9. Improve immunity: Eating apples helps stimulate the production of antibodies and white blood cells and enhances resistance to disease. Recommendation: One apple per day.

10. Treatment of hypermenorrhea: Phytoestrogens in apples help balance estrogen levels and prevent menstrual hyperthermia or dysmenorrhea caused by estrogen disorders. Suggestion: Drink 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water 2-3 times a day. Or add apple cider vinegar to food.

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