Autumn watermelon cultivation management technology

Variety selection should be selected from disease-resistant, moisture-resistant, high-temperature-resistant, vigorously growing, and early mature varieties, such as "early spring ruby", "take bit", "small blue" and "early good 8424".

Suitable sowing is generally planted in the middle or late July, and no later than August 15th. The sowing is too late, the planting period and the melon period must be delayed, and the low temperature in the later period is not conducive to the expansion and ripening of the watermelon, and the yield and quality will be affected.

It is best to germinate indoors at a temperature below 30°C. It is difficult to germinate seeds when the temperature exceeds 40°C. After planting, the bottom water of the seedbed should be poured to ensure the moisture of the seedbed, nutrients, and seedlings for the plug, and the substrate should be filled with water. When sowing seeds, put the seed flat, sow about a centimeter deep, cover the newspaper, then cover the shade net, cool and moisturize, and generally no longer water before emergence. After the emergence of the seedlings, the cover should be removed in time. Generally, the shade net is no longer covered. However, at the high temperature, the melon seedlings must be covered when they are significantly withered, and a small amount of water can be used to relieve the symptoms. Watering should be done in the morning (pourling seedlings need to be poured every day). Do not pour in the evening to control the seedlings, and prohibit the use of groundwater seedlings with low temperature.

Colonization of melon age 7-10 days, watermelon seedlings age 10-15 days should be timely planting. Daejeon should cover black and white double-sided mulch to reduce temperature, prevent grass and avoid maggots. Before the planting, it was irrigated with water. After 4 o'clock in the afternoon, it was planted with soil and the roots were thinned. Cover the shade net after fertilization, and remove the shade net in time after 2-3 days of survival.

During the seedling stage, seedlings can be sprayed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate and other foliar fertilizers to promote robust plant growth; timely pruning, especially melon.

Fruit management under high temperature thin plants, germination differentiation and development, set fruit should not be too early, should be based on plant growth and ovary size judgment, generally in the third fruit of watermelon when the fruit is appropriate.

Pest control Ventilation around the greenhouse should cover the insect net. At present, the pests of watermelons are mainly melons, aphids, and Spodoptera litura. The insecticides, fipronil, imidacloprid, dilute, and hits are available, and the appropriate concentration is used to spray at low temperatures in the evening.

The cultivation of Conventional Goji Berry using the usual modern and traditional agricultural technologise. In Ningxia China you can see thousands of acres of goji berry cultivation base. In June each year, the goji berry trees bear agate-like fruits. After a series of machine processing, nutrition-rich Fresh Goji Berries are processed into the dried goji berrise for easy storage and transportation. Finally through the dealers like you and me, the magic goji berries into the plates around the world.




Conventional goji berry


Meet CIQ inspection standards

Goji Berries are all the rage in the food world right now for their exquisite taste and vast health benefits, deeming it one of the world`s few Super Fruits. It has been said that the Goji Berry is chock full of anti-oxidants that help reverse the aging process, and for that reason it has become so popular in the world. Though they sound exotic and are most often found with a high price tag in health food stores, Goji berries are actually easy to grow hardy plants. They taste like a blend between a cherry and raisin and are totally seedless. They have been used for over 5,000 years by traditional Chines and Tibetan cultures. It contains more iron than spinach and even more protein than whole wheat per serving while high in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. But unlike most of the other Super Fruits, this is winter hardy to minus 20F.Lycium  Berries

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