Pearl green pea standardized cultivation techniques

Pearl Green Pea is a high-grade vegetable, grain-type, green beans green, sweet and crisp, good quality and merchandise. The Winter and Current Spring County Agricultural Technology Promotion Center was successfully introduced into Kunshan County from Kunming. Its fertility traits were as follows: plant height 54?, plant half-upright, stalks thick, fresh emerald green, smooth and shiny , Double-flowered double borers, 4-12 pairs of pods per plant, pods 6-9, pods 1.5 ,, 10 6.6 pods average, fresh weight of 5.4 grams, 600-800 kg per mu 82.7 kilograms of dried beans are produced per mu. The whole growing period will be about 100 days, and the beans will be dried for about 140 days. Through trial planting, pearl green peas are suitable for planting in Lushan, and have good social and economic benefits. It has a positive effect on enriching the county vegetable blues and increasing the income of vegetable farmers. The demonstration planting area has been expanded this winter and next spring, and standard cultivation techniques are now prepared for reference:
First, the requirements of environmental conditions pearl green peas suitable for planting in an area around 1500 meters above sea level, the minimum temperature for seed germination is 3-5 °C, suitable temperature 18-22 °C, seedling temperature after emergence 14-22 °C, can endure Subzero temperature of 4-5 °C. Flowering and pods need good light and warm climate, suitable temperature 15-20 °C, intolerant of frost and high temperature. Pearl green peas require moist soil and air conditions throughout the growing season, especially in the flowering and podging period can not be affected by drought, the air humidity is lower than 60%, growth is inhibited, flower husks fall off, yield is reduced, quality is reduced. Pearl green peas are rich in organic matter, and the soil is deep, loose, and fertile.
Second, the seeding period sowing from September 20 to October 20, if sown too early, the early high temperatures, plant growth, pests and diseases serious, low yield and quality. Seeding late, less rain and unfavorable seedlings, late susceptible to low-temperature freezing, frost damage, resulting in reduced yield and quality, the efficiency is not high.
Third, the soil preparation planting pearl green peas suitable for the net species, we use the early pepper to plant, after the harvest of the early pepper, deepen the sunburn, remove the weeds, after the fine soil preparation, the ditch, the width of 3m, spacing 25 30cm on-demand, 2-3 tablets per pond, covered with fine soil after sowing 5?, or according to the same density cattle cattle on-demand, mu seed rate of 10 to 12?.
Fourth, fertilization Pearl green peas are leguminous crops, rhizobia have a nitrogen fixation effect, fertilization depending on the soil fertility according to the pollution-free standardized production practices as appropriate fertilization:
1. Base fertilizer: high-level compound fertilizer and common calcium phosphate fertilizer used as base fertilizer, no nitrate fertilizer applied during the whole growth period to avoid nitrate pollution.
2. Fertilizer: When sowing, use 5-10kg compound fertilizer as seed fertilizer. It is forbidden to contact seeds and chemical fertilizers when sowing.
3. Top-dressing: 10-20 days after emergence, the first top-dressing, mu urea 5-8kg combined with irrigated or soil moisture timely spreading, the second top-dressing during the flowering stage, Mu 45% compound fertilizer 8-10kg chase Shi, combined pest control with 0.03% ammonium molybdate, borax, etc. for foliar spray, the third top dressing after the first picking green pods, Mu recovery 45% of compound fertilizer 5-8 kg or root spray Apply 0.2% urea and 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution.
Fifth, irrigation pearl green peas only during the whole reproductive period only seedling drought-tolerant, flowering and scab phase needs more water, timely watering drought, keep the soil see dry see wet, avoid flood irrigation.
Six, field management
1. Miao Miao: 5-6 days after sowing, according to the emergence of the situation, in a timely manner to determine the lack of mending leakage, transfer and replenishment. Excess seedlings were removed and transplanted with soil to ensure seedlings were homogeneous and seedlings were seeded.
2. Weeding and weeding: Seedlings are cultivated once in 3-4 leaves. Afterwards, according to the growing trend, combined with fertilizer and water management, timely removal of weeds and removal of weeds will improve soil permeability, increase soil temperature, and promote root development.
VII. Diseases and Insect Pests Prevention and control In pest prevention and control, the principle of prevention is the main principle, and the principle of comprehensive prevention and control is to strictly comply with the standards for the standardized production of pollution-free vegetables, and to use high-efficiency, low-toxicity, low-residual sterilization and insecticides for chemical control and prevention. No pesticides were applied in the first 20 days to achieve no residue and no pollution. The common pests and diseases of pearl green peas are:
1. Powdery mildew: It mainly harms leaves, stems and pods. Beginning with lesions on the leaves, the leaves begin to look pale yellowish-yellow spots, and then gradually expand into irregular small spots, the spots are connected with each other, the surface is covered with white powder, the victim leaves gradually yellow, and then gradually expanded to the stem荚 荚 荚 荚 荚 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。.
Control methods: Use chlorothalonil 600 times solution, thiophanate-methyl 600 times solution triadimefon 800 times solution and so on.
2. Brown spot: Damaged parts are leaves, stems and pods. At the beginning of the disease, brownish lesions were produced on the leaf surface. There were obvious plaques on the edges of the lesions. Diseases were found on the stems, and spindle-shaped or near-elliptic brown lesions were generated on the stems. The lesions were slightly depressed and the lesions were dilated to the depth. seed.
Control methods: seed treatment, soaking with warm soup. The disease has been available 12.5% ​​myclobutanil 100g watered 60kg at the beginning of the spray.
3. Root rot: damage to the roots, black root rot, and then the whole plant withered. First of all, the roots are susceptible to disease. The first hair roots and fibrous roots are light brown and then black. When the roots and stems are severely infected, the contractions or depressions become brown and show a "slim waist" shape. Continuous cropping, high temperature and high humidity are prone to epidemics.
Control methods: (1) Seed treatment. 75% chlorothalonil per acre can be used after seed dressing; (2) seedling control. Use a 600 to 800 times solution of Dixon or Metalaxyl and Metalaxyl Manganese.
4. Aphids: Harmful to tender stems, pedicels, tender pods, sucking sap, curling leaves, and pedicel twists affect fruitfulness.
Control methods: Dianjing powder 8g watered 15kg spray.
5. Rat damage: The early stage of scarring and the stage of scarring are extremely prone to damage, resulting in a decline in yield or loss.
Control methods: Enemy rodent sodium salt bait is placed around the plot,
Eight, timely harvesting, until the soybean meal 8 can be harvested when the market, picking pods not to damage the plant, the best use of scissors cut.

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