Red Crab

The red crabs are female crabs that have been mated and fertilized. They began to be stocked in October in the intensive breeding pool. When the ovary of the serrata crab is fully mature, the carapace is filled with red ointment on both sides. The breastplate expands and the dots above the abdomen become red. When the whole carapace is brown or reddish brown, it is called "Red Crab". At this time, it is harvested and listed. The benefits are very significant before and after New Year's Day.
I. Crab pool construction. The area is generally about 333 square meters. The wall of the pool is about 1 meter high with slate or brickwork. The pool wall is generally surrounded by anti-escape and covered with coarse sand or gravel. The bottom of the pool is best to be paved with slate. Tighten the groove without leaving a groove, and then apply 10 cm to the slate.
Second, stocking density. In general, 2000 amphibious intensive breeding ponds and over 250 grams of mating crabs have been mated.
Third, feed the bait. Feeding fresh fish, shrimp, shellfish and other animal feed, the amount of feeding is 5% to 7% of the total weight every day, and the feeding should be fixed, and less investment in the morning (about 20% of the total amount of feed). Investment (70%-80% of the total amount of feed). When the water temperature drops to 10°C, feeding should be stopped.
Fourth, grading rearing. The ovarian development of female crabs was inspected in a timely manner to distinguish the quality grades (according to the degree of ovarian development, they could be divided into “mother”, “crab” and “paste crab”) for grading.
Fifth, regulate water quality. Water depth only maintains 30-60 cm, and it is necessary to increase the amount of water to maintain adequate dissolved oxygen. Change the water twice a day and install a water pump. At noon and at 4-5 o'clock in the morning, do not pump in fresh seawater. During the infusion, the blue crab often competes for fresh water. At this time, the bamboo raft shall be used in time. They are separate.
Six, disease prevention and treatment. Clam shells are common diseases of female crabs that are mated and fertilized. Experiments have observed that crust hardening of mating female crabs takes up to 2-3 days, which makes them extremely susceptible to pathogenic bacteria. Oxygen consumption of mating female crabs increases, and female crabs are susceptible to hypoxia. And suffocation died. Prevention methods. 1. Improve the water environment, make the water clear, and maintain a certain degree of salinity (greater than the relative density of seawater 1.005). 2. Take aerators to increase oxygen or pump water to increase oxygen. 3, do not feed deterioration, moldy food. 4, with antibiotics regularly by 0.5 to 1ppm Quanchiposa. 5. The diseased crab should be caught in time. At the same time, 2-3ppm bleaching powder can be used for water disinfection to prevent the spread of disease.
Seven, timely fishing. Check the development of the crabs' ovaries every 5 to 10 days and find out that “red crabs” are selected and sold in time. If you do not catch fish in time until March of the following year, you can only sell it as a "vegetable crab."

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