Oriental tobacco seedlings management technology

Nursery is an important part of the production of oriental tobacco. It is an important guarantee for the timely transplanting of Daejeon, and it is also the basis for the survival of seedlings after transplanting, early growth, and the consistent growth of field tobacco plants. The principle of raising seedlings of oriental tobacco is “female seedlings, seedlings and seedlings, and seedlings”. It can be said that the cultivation of adequate, orderly and robust tobacco seedlings is an important prerequisite for the quality and production of oriental tobacco. The management of aromatic tobacco seedlings mainly includes water, temperature and fertilizer control, seedlings, seedlings, hardening seedlings, disease, insects, and weed control.
1. Seedbed Water Management Seedlings after sowing should always check the surface soil moisture content of the seedbed (0 ~ 10cm), according to the seedling age and growth conditions, adjust the moisture content of the bauxite. From the emergence to the growth of the fifth true leaf, that is, the Grand Cross period, the water content of the topsoil of the seedbed is kept at about 70% of the maximum water holding capacity in the field, that is, the soil of the nursery bed is conglomerated, and the scattered ground energy can prevail. In this period, it is necessary to prevent the soil on the surface of the seedbed from drying out and prevent it from becoming too wet. If the soil on the surface of the seedbed is too dry, it must be moistened with a watering can; if the soil on the surface of the seedbed is too wet, the seedbed bed shall be opened to ventilate the sunbed and promote the evaporation of soil moisture.
After the fifth true leaf grows out of the tobacco seedlings, the growth rate is accelerated, the water consumption increases, and the seedling bed can be poured with small water. However, the watering of the seedbed must be carried out in the morning and evening of the sunny days. It should not be carried out before and after the high temperature of noon to prevent the high-temperature water and gas from hurting the seedlings and diseases. From the grand cross to the seedling stage, the soil moisture of the seedbed should be maintained at about 60% of the maximum water holding capacity in the field.
2. Miaofei management In general, no additional fertilizer is applied during the breeding of oriental tobacco. Because the seedbeds are mostly selected on loose and fertile land, most of them are applied with organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer. In individual cases, if the organic fertilizer is used in a small seedbed, the emergence of tobacco seedlings will occur when the seedlings grow to the big cross. At this time, every 100 square meters of seedbed can be used after 50 to 100 grams of compound fertilizer (15N: 15P2O5: 15K2O) is dissolved and then watered to 100 kg for pouring.
3. When weeding, seedlings, and seedlings grow to the big cross, weeds must be removed from the weeds in time. At the same time, the tobacco seedlings on seedbeds are densely interspersed, and the second time the seedlings are planted after 5 to 7 days, and the excessively large and small tobacco seedlings and sick and weak seedlings are extracted. Smoke seedlings grow to the ear stage of the caterpillar, and each seedling is 3 to 5 cm apart, and about 750 seedlings per square meter can be left.
4. The main pests during pest control of oriental tobacco seedlings are ground tigers and earthworms. The prevention and control methods are made by preserving the seedlings per square meter and soaking them with wheat flour and mixing 2 to 3 grams of carbofuran. The poisonous bait is trapped to kill such underground pests.
After sowing seedlings, the period from the small cross to the ear of cats is a key period for the prevention and control of disease in tobacco seedlings in bed. This period is prone to diseases such as anthrax and damping-off. Little attention is paid to the large area of ​​dead seedlings on the seedbeds and, in severe cases, the lack of seedlings during transplanting. The prevention and control method is to prevent and treat with 1:1:150 times of Bordeaux mixture or 50% of Zinc-Zinc 500 times solution every 5-7 days from the small cross period until the cat ear stage tobacco seedlings are of high quality.
5. Seedling hardening and seedling cultivation is a commonly used method for cultivating strong seedlings during tobacco breeding. The method is to properly suppress the growth of aerial parts of tobacco seedlings, and correspondingly promote the growth of roots, thereby improving the quality of tobacco seedlings. The main role of hardening seedlings is to adjust the growth rate of tobacco seedlings to suit the scheduled transplanting period; second is to enhance the quality of tobacco seedlings and increase the survival rate of tobacco seedlings when they are transplanted.
The main measures for hardening seedlings include controlled water hardening, cutting leaf hardening and hormone hardening.
(1) Controlling water-saving seedlings is to control the water supply of seedbeds when the seedlings reach the ear stage of cats. This will cause certain drought stress on tobacco seedlings, so as to inhibit the growth of the aerial parts of the tobacco seedlings and promote the growth of underground roots. Effect, so as to achieve the goal of improving the quality of tobacco seedlings and nurturing strong seedlings.
(2) The cutting of leaves is a time when the seedlings grow quickly. The yellow leaves of the lower part of the small and medium-sized tobacco seedlings and part of the leaves of the vigorously growing large seedlings are cut off to improve the ventilation conditions of the seedbed, increase the ground temperature, and suppress the smoke. The growth of the upper part of the seedlings promotes the growth of the root system and regulates the growth of the seedlings in order to achieve the goal of Miao Qi and Miao Zhuang.
(3) Hormone hardening is the application of chlormequat or paclobutrazol, a type of hormone, to inhibit the growth of tobacco seedlings and cell growth, promote root growth, and increase the size of leaves when the seedlings grow to the ear of cats. Thickness, enhanced drought resistance, and thus improve the survival rate of transplanting.

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