How to Prevent Corn Ears from Being "Not Full"

The fullness of the ear of corn directly affects the level of its economic benefits. The fullness of corn kernels above and below the grain can of course be sold at a good price. Conversely, the benefits are greatly compromised. Therefore, it is very important to prevent and control corn ear "unsatisfactory".
Corn kernels do not have grain at the top of the ear, called baldness, also known as "displeased", generally about 2 cm, with baldness up to 3 cm or more, which greatly reduces the number of rows of grains and generally reduces production by 10% to 20%. . Preventing or reducing corn bald head is an important measure to effectively increase corn yield.
First, the cause of corn ear bald due to the first reason is the lack of phosphorus and potassium, corn plantlets ear bud silking, sugar metabolism and protein synthesis and cell division was blocked, the top of the ear contraction, filament elongation slows down, pollination bad, leading to baldness. The second is that corn in the flowering pollination stage is subject to high temperature and drought, the drawing time is delayed, and the pollen flourishing period has passed, making the tips of the spikes not pollinated and bald. The third is that too much rain during the pollination, affecting the pollen does not open, died of water particles in the pollen died, so that the female ear filaments are not pollinated and bald. Fourth, the lack of fertilizer in the late growth period of corn, the growth will stop growing halfway, and increase the grain size of the tip and become bald.
Second, prevention and control measures
1. Artificially assisted pollination Pollen was collected on sunny and cloudy days between 9 am and 11 am. Pads were placed in the basin and the pollen was shaken on paper. Then the appropriate amount of pollen was shaken off one by one with the brush. On spike silk, it is also possible to pour male pollen into a gauze pocket and use the pocket to beat on the female silk. Artificial pollination can be performed 2 to 3 times.
2. Performing interlaced male fertilization is to leave one line at a time, or use a septal castration, that is, to leave one strain to one, which can reduce shade, enhance light, reduce nutrient consumption of plants, and make nutrients more to the grain Transport, promote the full grain on the tip, pollen pollen is conducive to natural scattered on the female flower, improve the pollination rate. Detasseling time was performed when the tassel appeared 1/3. From 9 am to 4 pm, the wound healed.
3. Cut the ears of the female corn, which is 1 cm above the axis of the corn at the tip of the ear. Cut off the temporal lobe with the filaments with a pair of scissors and cut the second time every two or three days. The ovules are not fertilized after cutting. Then, the filaments that are not fertilized continue to grow, and there is a chance for fertilization to achieve more robustness and reduce baldness.
4. Drought-resistant waterlogging In case of drought, drought and water should be used in the morning and evening to ensure that the corn has sufficient water during flowering and loosening. Should seize the key period in time when the weather improves and artificially assist pollination in order to make up for natural pollination. In case of heavy rain and heavy rain, it is necessary to eliminate waterlogging in time. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.5% can be sprayed on phosphorus- and potassium-deficient plants. Fertilizer can be sprayed with 1% urea when the fertilizer is insufficient in the later stage.

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