The storage and processing of burdock

With the further expansion of export trade, especially Japan’s demand, the export volume of calves has also increased. The export of burdock mainly includes fresh burdock, dehydrated burdock slices, frozen burdock products, and salted burdock. Fresh burdock 1. Raw material acquisition: The standard for the acquisition of burdock is: more than 70cm in length and 1.5-3.0cm in diameter. When cutting the leaves, leave more than 1cm of petiole. Beef carcasses have no bifurcation, no insects, no disease, no water loss, and special attention should be paid to the removal of calves with too much mud. 2. Transportation: When raw materials are transported to the factory, they must be protected from the sun, frostbite and water loss. In general, a layer of plastic sheeting is placed on the carriages of the calves and then covered with a layer of sheeting. If the temperature is low, the blankets must be covered. 3, hair removal: The burdock surface of the fibrous root picking, soil wipe as much as possible. 4, cut the head: that is, cut fresh burdock head, requiring preservation head length 0.5-1cm, no fresh or too short head is easy to cause water loss, the customer is not easy to accept. 5, transfer: will pick the net hair, clean the soil, cut the head of the calf tied into bundles and transported to the cleaning workshop. 6. Cleaning: The equipment for cleaning burdock has spray gun type and trough type, and the cleaning water pressure is 304-506.5 kPa. Wash gently and avoid mechanical damage. Use bamboo knives for cleaning and trimming. Do not break calf. There are two types of cleaning: peeling burdock is about to take burdock green peel off, peeling tool can use softer osier cleaning ball, pay attention to evenness, burdock immediately after cleaning into small bags; with skin burdock, as long as the surface of the mud Sand and other impurities can be cleaned. 7. Classification: It is divided into A grade and B grade. Grade A requires that the cattle carcasses are uniform and tidy, more than 70cm long, more than 1.9cm in diameter; Class B, more than 70cm long, and 1.5-2.5cm in diameter. 8, packaging: sub-large package and small package in two forms. 9, storage: burdock mounted into the cold storage after storage, storage temperature -1-1 °C. Quick-frozen burdock 1. Raw material acceptance: It is required to be purchased as fresh burdock. Because it is used for cutting and cutting, its length, diameter and other specifications are not very strict, as long as it does not rot, no worms can be. 2, washing: with fresh burdock. 3. Scrape: Scrape the epidermis with a knife until you see the white xylem. 4, cut section, cut: In accordance with customer requirements to cut the growth of short and thick cattle Kenting. 5, soaking taste: the burdock immersed in seasoning (soy sauce, white sugar, water for 30:20:50). 6, cooking: stew boiled cooked 8 minutes to half-cooked, with a centrifuge drain water. 7. Cooling: Cool the cooked burdock in the workshop with a blower with a diameter of 500cm. 8, processing and molding: the use of peeled chicken breast to bovine Baoding semi-circular, like steamed bag processing. The processed sirloin sirloin can be steamed in a microwave or grilled, which has a delicious taste and high nutritional value. Burdock uses burdock, longan, wolfberry fruit, honey, and royal jelly as raw materials. The burdock shall be dried and chopped, processed into 0.1-0.3cm granules, and the honey and royal jelly shall be uniformly mixed. The burdock granules shall be thoroughly stirred and then immersed for 12 hours, then fried, sieved, and the seasonings such as wolfberry fruit and longan meat shall be added. Store in a glass bottle sealed in a cool, dry place. When used, it can be brewed with boiling water for 3-5 minutes. It has the effect of strengthening body and nourishing yin and yang.

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