How to pick piglets

Fasting pigs can't be bought. Pigs fasting, indicating that piglets eat less or do not eat at all. Usually, in order to earn more income, the seller will try to get the piglets to eat more concentrate to increase the weight of the piglets before the piglets are listed. A piglet that cannot feed can indicate it is unhealthy.
High temperature pigs can not buy. Pigs are used to touch the ears of piglets when buying pigs, and hot-hot pigs are the ones who suffer from certain diseases and cause increased body temperature. If we see the conjunctival blush of the piglet, we can't afford to lie down and tremble when we stand, indicating that the pig is absolutely unable to purchase it.
Diarrhea pigs can not buy. Piglets with diarrhea can be seen with dilute feces in the upper part of the anus and the upper part of the two hindlimbs. If more dilute feces, indicating that the pig diarrhea is serious. Especially piglets that stinky in feces are usually sick pigs.
Dehydration pigs can not buy. The dehydration of piglets is manifested as unresponsiveness, dry stools, yellow urine, concave orbits, lying without standing, muscle tremors. Such pigs are mostly transported by vendors from abroad for long distances. They cause dehydration due to jolts and lack of drinking water, and their growth is slow and prone to disease.
Pigs that do not have their ears clamped cannot be bought. Piglets were not pinched across the ears with pliers, indicating that the veterinarian had not used the epidemic prevention needles. This type of pig is prone to disease.
In the selection of piglets, those who performed lively and lovely, bright red skin, bright eyes, gods, lips short mouth, nose moist, shoulder width back straight, rear feet upright, stubby tail, breathing freely, loud, active mining Food piglets should be the best choice.

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