Fertilization Techniques for High Quality Flue-cured Tobacco

First, fertilization method and time

1, fertilization method. Of the factors that affect fertilization, the most easily overlooked factor is the fertilization method. Different fertilization methods have a certain influence on the yield and quality of tobacco leaves. The application method of basal fertilizer for flue-cured tobacco is ideal for burrowing, and the fertilizers applied in this way are concentrated around the rhizosphere and are easily absorbed by the roots in the middle and early days of the field, which can promote early and rapid root growth and are not easily lost, which is beneficial to the growth of tobacco plants. General basal fertilizer application accounts for 70-80% of the total fertilizer requirement for the entire growing season, and topdressing accounts for 20-30% of the total fertilizer requirement. For more fertile soils with more viscous soil, persistent soil fertility, and greater stamina, all fertilizers are used as basal fertilizers, or early application of fertilizers is less effective, and a small amount of top dressings can be treated flexibly according to field conditions. For soils with loose soil, missing water and fertilizer, persistent fertilizer supply, low sand productivity or low fertility, fertilizers should be applied in phases to ensure the nutrient requirements in the middle and later stages of the tobacco plant.

2, fertilization time. Basal fertilizer was applied to the soil before ridging. For topdressing, in addition to the large rainfall and loose soil, it is necessary to look at the growth of tobacco plants. Generally, it is better to apply a small amount of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers after 20 days after transplanting and no more than 25 days at the latest. . This can not only meet the needs of the strong growth of tobacco plants, but also ensure that the fertilizer is basically depleted after entering the mature period, prompting timely maturity of tobacco leaves.

Second, determine the amount of fertilizer

1, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer. Nitrogen is the most important and most sensitive element in all nutrient elements on the yield and quality of tobacco leaves. If nitrogen is insufficient, the yield is low, the quality is poor, the leaves are thin and light, the ratio of sugar/nicotine is out of balance, and the aroma is poor; nitrogen fertilizer is excessive, The thick leaves are thick, not easy to fall yellow, dark gray color, more smoke. Therefore, the appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer is the key to fertilization of tobacco leaves.

The application amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be determined first according to the soil fertility status. For the first-class fertility plots, due to the high content of available nitrogen in the soil, the amount of nitrogen applied should not be too high, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be added. Generally, 4.5-5.5 kilograms of pure nitrogen can be applied to 667 square meters. For moderately fertile plots, 667 square meters of pure nitrogen is suitable for 6.5-7 kg.

2, a reasonable ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. For the production of high-quality tobacco, it is required that the effective content of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in cultivated soil after fertilization is better than 1:0.55:2.4, while the proportion of three elements in the soil of tobacco fields in our county is imbalanced, and the contribution of each element in the soil to crops Role, but also follow the principle of short-term balanced system engineering. Therefore, we need to produce high-quality tobacco leaves and apply balanced fertilization for the application of fertilizer according to the content of soil elements and the lack of conditions. As far as the analysis of the soil status of my county is concerned, as long as the effective N, P, and K contents in the applied fertilizer are 1:2:3, the ratio of N, P, and K in the cultivated soil after fertilization can basically reach 1:0.6. : 2-3, to ensure that the relative ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium absorbed by 50 kg tobacco leaves is 1:0.55:2.4, which lays the foundation for the production of high-quality tobacco.

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