Women are more likely to drink coffee

"You can get rid of four packs of coffee a day and you're not afraid to eat too much!" Maybe you don't believe that four-pack instant coffee for Chen Xiaolin is still small. As a manager of a planning company, she is only 26 years old and she bears every day. Men are unbearable work stress! Every day to work two or three o'clock late at night, do not drink coffee she simply could not get down! But the harm of coffee to women's body is great, infertility, myocardial infarction ... ...

1, susceptible to infertility

Researchers found that women who drink 1 cup of coffee a day are more likely to suffer from infertility than women who do not drink coffee. Experts surveyed 104 women who had drinking habits, and about 50 of them were less likely to conceive. Some fertility experts believe that this is a small-scale study and cannot finally prove the special role of coffee in fertility. However, the researchers emphasized that if medical reasons cannot be used to describe infertility, then infertility should be considered related to caffeine.

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