What is good for winter health? White food is very suitable

A few days later it was the beginning of winter and solar terms, and folks had the habit of setting up a tonic for the winter. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine health science, the winter diet should be mainly light, eat less oil and less salt, enter more fruits and vegetables, and strive to abstain from warm and spicy stimulation. What should you eat in winter? Experts believe that from the point of view of the Five Elements and Five Colors regimen, after the winter, more “white” foods should be eaten to provide health benefits.

1, yam kidney function

Yam is delicate in flesh and contains a lot of nutritious and health-care substances. "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" refers to "the main health tonic, in addition to cold and heat evil, fill in the benefits of strength, long muscles, long service, smart eyes and ears." Studies in recent years have shown that yam has the effect of inducing interferon production and enhancing human immune function. Regular food can be strong body, anti-aging, is the favorite health care products.

Recommended diet: yam fried fish fillet - kidney Qi

Raw materials: 250 grams of herring (grassfish), 150 grams of fresh yam, raw powder, cooking wine, onion, ginger, salt, and oil.

Practice: Wash the herring meat, slice it, mix it with raw flour. Wash the fresh yam slices; from the pan, pour the green onion and ginger aroma, pour in the fish fillet, stir fry over the mountain squash, add the wine, onion, ginger, and salt to fry.


2, more nutritional benefits

荸荠 Also known as horseshoe, it is sweet and cold. It has the effect of clearing heat, producing fluid, and moistening phlegm. It is suitable for fever, thirst and cough. Modern medicine also confirmed that the ingredients contained in wolfberry have antibacterial effects. In addition, wolfberry has the effect of preventing cancer and lowering blood pressure.

Recommended Diet: Garlic Miso - Heated and Heated

Ingredients: Fresh 荸荠 150 grams, garlic 3 valves, salt, sugar, vinegar, sesame oil amount.

Practices: Wash, peel, cut thin slices, soaked in light salt water, remove and drain after 10 minutes, put in the dish, sprinkle with salt for 15 minutes, filter out salt water; garlic peeling and washing, squeezing fine, sprinkle In the sepals, set the fire on the pot, put sugar, vinegar, until the sugar dissolves, pour on the sepals, quickly cover with a bowl, add sesame oil and mix well after 10 minutes.

3, cabbage is the most nutritious

Winter is the best time to eat Chinese cabbage. Chinese cabbage is an extremely nutritious and popular vegetable, and has the reputation of “king of food”. Cabbage contains more protein and vitamins than apples and pears. It also contains prominent trace elements. The zinc content is higher than that of ordinary vegetables and meat, eggs, and other foods. When it comes to food, the trade-off between Chinese cabbage and broccoli is often concerned. In fact, the big group of Chinese cabbage contains nutrients such as chlorophyll and dietary fiber, which is much higher than the inner leaves of cabbage and Chinese cabbage.

Recommended Diet: Braised Cabbage

Materials: Chinese cabbage (small white mouth) 400g, salt 4g, cooking wine 8g, milk 50g, green onions 25g, ginger 25g, monosodium glutamate 3g.

Practice: Choose fresh cabbage to be washed clean; Onions washed and cut scallions; Ginger washed and cut into pieces. The net fresh cabbage choose clean clean cut into 1 cm wide, 7 cm long strips, into the casserole, add broth 1000 ml, scallion, ginger, salt, cooking wine, cooked with rotten stew, go to float Mo, add milk, monosodium glutamate, the original pot to serve.

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