Eat milk powder lit? May be an allergy doctor: Don't mistake the symptoms for discomfort

The doctor reminds the child to have individual differences and do not mistake the symptoms for the symptoms

â–  Tianfu Morning Post reporter Zhang Fuchao

Recently, some readers called the Morning Post and said that they are novice mothers, and their milk is not enough. They are prepared to mix milk powder with their children. However, I heard that “milk powder feeding is easy to get angry.” I do not know if this statement is true. Did the child get angry and why was the cause of the milk powder? The Tianfu Morning Post reporter conducted an interview.

Milk powder "monkey"

When many parents came to the hospital for child care, they told the doctor that their children had constipated because they ate milk powder. ”

Doctor "washing"

There are actually two situations in which the parents think that there is an “ignition” situation:

1, allergy caused by illness: Some children may be allergic to protein, so when you eat the average milk powder, it will cause some allergic phenomenon, such as eczema and other illnesses, due to the protein ingredients contained in milk powder;

2, milk powder composition is not suitable for infants: milk powder content is not exactly the same, some milk powder casein content is high, and casein protein is usually not conducive to children's digestion, can cause children constipation.

The concept of getting angry is not scientific, and various symptoms may appear during the infant's growth and development. Many parents often attribute these symptoms to 'what to eat' or 'nothing to eat'. This is unscientific. "The 'milk powder feeding on the fire' is not a scientific explanation. If the children in the family have these 'flammable symptoms', parents need to analyze the reasons objectively and rationally, or seek help from doctors in order to solve the problem in a targeted manner."

Survey by reporter

Milk powder is lit and does not get angry?

"This formula gets angry and the baby is easy to constipate after eating. I don't recommend buying this brand." This is a three-year-old mother's understanding of milk powder. Ms. Zhang's main task is to take care of herself. Daughter, all children's problems, large enough to go to school to study, small to drink any water must go through her screening.

Ms. Zhang told reporters that her daughter’s half-year-old’s breastmilk gradually replaced it with milk powder. The first powdered milk was more lit and constipated after eating. Ms. Zhang was very worried, and she sought various claims. Replace the powdered milk.

Nowadays, besides the milk powder sold in supermarkets, customers such as the WeChat circle of friends and purchasing agents still have to sell their milk powder for sale. However, did eating powdered milk get angry as the parents thought? The reporter randomly visited several supermarkets selling powdered milk in downtown Chengdu and asked whether milk powder was the cause of the flaming. “The milk source for this brand of powdered milk is the Netherlands, one of the best milk sources in the world and certainly not going to get angry.” A salesperson of a shopping mall milk powder told reporters that she has been working as a milk powder salesperson for 10 years, according to her. Understand that shopping malls selling milk powder or big brands of milk powder will not get angry. In other words, milk powder itself is not the incentive to get angry, and milk powder production process is almost the same, so some brands of milk powder will get angry statement unreasonable. She said that in recent years, the milk powder industry has grown rapidly, and major brands have continued to improve formula milk powder. Many parents say that “milk powder feeding is easy to get angry” is actually not scientific.


Some children are allergic parents but mistakenly think that they get angry.

Ding Changceng, director of the Child Protection Division of the Qingyang District Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Chengdu, said in an interview with the Tianfu Morning Post reporter. “The situation is better than before, but there are still many parents who say to their children,” said the child’s child’s constipation after eating powdered milk. "Director Ding introduced that infants are growing up six months ago and that many bodily functions are developing, so there are often common symptoms such as constipation and eczema, and mothers simply unify many phenomena into "flame." However, Western medicine does not have this statement.

In fact, the status quo of parents who say “get angry” is generally attributed to two situations. One is a condition caused by allergies, and the other is that the ingredients of milk powder are not suitable for infants and therefore cannot be absorbed well. Ding Zhu said that some children may be allergic to protein, so when you eat normal milk powder, it will cause some allergies due to protein ingredients contained in milk powder, such as eczema and other illnesses. Parents do not understand the situation. They simply think that the baby's allergies have been caused by the powdered milk getting lit. Some annealing methods are used to solve this problem, which often leads to worse results.

In addition, due to the different content of different milk powder ingredients, people tend to think that eating a certain brand of milk powder is easy to constipate is "the performance of the fire." Director Ding said that the content of each powdered milk brand is not exactly the same. Some milk powders have a high casein content. But casein protein is generally not conducive to children's digestion. Therefore, it often causes constipation in children. In this case, it only needs to be replaced by changing the brand of milk powder. It takes about 2 weeks to get improvement.

Director Ding told reporters that the idea of ​​getting angry is not scientific. A variety of symptoms may occur during the infant's growth and development. Many parents often attribute these symptoms to "what they have eaten" or "have nothing to eat," which is unscientific. Sometimes constipation is normal in children, and breast-feeding children also have constipation. Some parents, when filling milk powder, intentionally or unintentionally add less water, thinking that this would give the child “more nutrition”. They did not know that this may be the cause of constipation, which is often attributed to “milk powder lit.”

â– Remind

Many infants are allergic to milk proteins

In modern medicine, there is no concept of getting fired. According to experts in traditional Chinese medicine, there is no such statement in Chinese classics. It is basically only a "civilian concept." Because there is no uniform standard for getting fired, the symptoms often described by different people are different, so everyone habitually refers to various symptoms of discomfort as getting angry.

Since food allergies are common in the infant population and a significant proportion of infants are allergic to milk proteins, milk-based formulas may cause these infants to have more severe symptoms that are often considered to be lit. The causes of various common "flame symptoms" are quite different, such as food allergies and vitamin deficiencies. However, infant formula is intended to meet the nutritional needs of infants. Therefore, formula-fed infants do not lack nutrients and are naturally not deficient in vitamins. In this sense, infants are unlikely to be caused by a lack of vitamins. "Get angry."

Blindly giving children "annealing" will be counterproductive

The reporter learned that both Chinese and Western doctors blame the individual's individual differences for what parents think is “get angry”.

In simple terms, some children do not have allergies, while some children have protein allergies; some children have strong absorption functions, while Others have weaker ones. Because of various reactions or illnesses caused by individual differences, parents often worry about unnecessary worry. Under normal circumstances, parents will sum up this situation as “get angry”. Some stubborn parents even “anneal” their children in more extreme ways, often resulting in worse results.

What needs to be emphasized is that “milk powder feeding and getting angry” is not a scientific explanation. If children in the family have “flashy symptoms”, parents need to analyze the cause objectively and rationally, or seek help from a doctor before they can solve the problem in a targeted manner. .

â–  Tips

Breastfeeding allergies?

Experts say that under certain circumstances, after the baby's mother has eaten dairy products, there may be some milk proteins that have not been completely digested into amino acids, and thus entered the breast milk in the form of peptides. If the child is allergic to cow's milk protein, and those peptides derived from cow's milk are just allergens, "allergy to breast milk" may occur. There is also a mature solution to this “allergies” caused by allergies: Deeply hydrolyzed formula milk powder, in which the milk protein is deeply hydrolyzed, the possibility of allergies is greatly reduced. If deep hydrolysis is not enough, amino acid milk powder can also be used.

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