Month recipe Daquan and practice recommended 8 dishes eat enough

Summer is coming, the temperature is high, the human body is prone to some hot conditions, some dizziness, chest tightness, loss of appetite is a normal situation, then if pregnant women have such a situation how to solve it? Pregnant women have many dietary considerations, then the summer What should I do if pregnant women have a loss of appetite? Today Xiao Bian will introduce you to what foods pregnant women eat in summer. Let's take a look!

As long as pregnant women can supplement enough nutrition in time to ensure the health of the fetus, so the diet of pregnant women must maintain healthy nutrition, so the summer diet is very important. Production is the period when women are most likely to consume physical strength. Therefore, women should take care of their health. So what kind of food is good for summer mothers?

Pregnant women only need to provide sufficient nutrition in time to ensure the health of the fetus

There are many types of vegetables in the summer, and what vegetables should the mothers eat in the face of a variety of vegetables on the market?

1, tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in vitamins that can supplement the maternal needs for vitamins while also reducing skin pigmentation. However, the network of health tips reminds tomatoes to choose mellow and beautiful foods, not to eat irregular, immature tomatoes, and not to eat tomatoes on an empty stomach, because of the large amount of gum, fruit quality, persimmon powder, soluble astringent and other ingredients. Easily reacts with stomach acid to form insoluble lumps, blocking the stomach outlet causing abdominal pain.

Recommended maternity recipe: tomato beef

500 grams of beef tenderloin, 500 grams of cooked vegetable oil, 15 grams of tomatoes, 20 grams of dried pepper, 3 grams of pepper, 15 grams of ginger, 10 grams of sugar, 20 grams of soy sauce, 7.5 grams of salt, 50 grams of sweet wine, 250 grams of fresh soup , Scallion 10 grams, 10 grams of sesame oil, Shao liquor 5 grams.

1 Cut the meat into slices of 6.5 cm long, 4.5 cm wide and 0.3 cm thick. Place them in a bowl. Add salt, sauerkraut, ginger and scallion and mix well. Pickle for about half an hour. Pick onions and ginger. Dried chili cut into 2.5 cm long segments. The tomatoes were changed to 2 cm pieces.

2 The wok gets angry, and stir in the vegetable oil until it matures. Add the beef slices and fry until brown, and remove the drain. Heat the oil in the pot until it reaches 40% heat, dry the peppers and peppers into a brown-red color, stir the flavor of the tomatoes, add the soup, add the beef, salt, soy sauce, and thicken the marinade. Add Brew, sugar, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil can be.

2, celery

Celery can be used to lower blood pressure, which is a good thing for the mothers with high blood pressure. In addition, celery is a crude fiber vegetable that can promote bowel movement and prevent constipation. However, celery is best eaten with meat and can promote the absorption of nutrients.

Celery can reduce blood pressure, which is a good thing for the mothers with high blood pressure

Recommended maternity recipes: celery fried meat

300 grams of celery, 150 grams of lean pork, 2 dried red peppers, 4 garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, salt, vegetable oil.

1 lean meat shred, put some sowing, marinated for 10 minutes. Remove the leaves from the celery, wash it, cut it into thin strips, and cut it into pieces. Sliced ​​garlic and dried chili cut into sections.

2 Heat the oil in the hot pot and stir in the pork. After the pork is discolored, add pepper, garlic, and celery. Stir fry a few times, put some soy sauce, and put the salt when the dish is ready. Cook the vinegar by the pot and stir fry a few times to turn off the heat.

3, eggplant

Eggplant is rich in vitamins such as vitamin P and E, and it has anti-aging and cardiovascular effects. However, when buying eggplant, it is best to choose those fresh, bright eggplant, do not use the old eggplant, especially the autumn eggplant.

Recommended maternity recipes: Fish fragrant eggplant

Eggplant 500 grams, 15 grams of diced green onion, 20 grams of ginger, 20 grams of garlic, Shao liquor, salt, sugar amount, 2 tablespoons bean paste, soy sauce, vinegar, wet starch amount.

500 grams of eggplant, 15 grams of diced green onions

Cut eggplant into hob blocks. From the pan, place a half-pot of oil in the pan until the oil heats up to eight or ninety percent and put it in the eggplant. When the eggplant is hard-softened, remove it and drain the oil until it is ready for use. In another pot, put 3 tablespoons of oil in the pan. After the oil is hot, firstly stir the fragrant diced green onion, ginger, minced garlic, and bean paste. Add eggplant, gavage, soy sauce, stir well, and then add a bowl of water. After opening, use a low heat to boil until the eggplant is tasty, add sugar and vinegar to taste, and finally thicken it with wet starch.

4, beans

Beans are rich in easily digestible proteins, especially those that can regulate the consumption system and increase appetite. However, the beans must be cooked, and the uncooked beans will not only have good effects after being eaten, but also cause poisoning in serious cases.

Recommended maternity recipes: dried beans

500 grams of green beans, oil, pork 100 grams, ginger, minced garlic and cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, sugar and chicken sauce amount.

Green beans 500 grams, oil, pork 100 grams

The green beans were removed by removing the two ribs and the pods were washed and drained. Into the pan fry until the skin is slightly wrinkled, remove and control the dry oil reserve, leaving 1 tsp oil in the pot, stir-fried pork, add ginger, minced garlic and cooking wine, soy sauce fried dry crisp. Pour in green beans, stir in a little salt, sugar and chicken to taste.

5, pumpkin

Pumpkin is rich in protein and a lot of vitamins. While satisfying the human body's needs for these nutrients, it can also play a role in lungs, phlegm, diuresis, and beauty. But pumpkins contain a lot of sugar, so you can't eat more. The other is to eat pumpkin, do not eat pumpkin.

Recommended maternity recipes: millet pumpkin porridge

1,000 grams of millet and 300 grams of pumpkin.

Peel the pumpkin and cut it. Wash the millet and soak in water for 20 minutes. Prepare half a bottle of boiling water, pour it into a rice cooker, and cook the millet for 30 minutes. When cooking the millet, use a blender to beat the squash into mud (it can be omitted). After 30 minutes, add the pumpkin and cook for 15 minutes. Stir in the middle to avoid sticking.

6, leeks

The leek contains botanical aromatic volatile oils, sulfides, and cellulose that are very beneficial to human health and has an appetite promoting effect.

Recommended maternity recipe: stir-fry

A small amount of leeks (about 200 grams), fragrant 6 pieces, a red pepper, the amount of oil, a little salt, a few drops of soy.

A small amount of leeks (about 200 grams), 6 pieces of fragrant dried

Wash leek, cut into sections, dry clean net, cut thin strips, red pepper to seed shred. Heat oil in wok, stir fry under shredded red pepper, and add a little salt and soy sauce. If it is too dry, add a little water. Keep frying and frying until the fragrant soup absorbs and becomes soft and fluffy. Add chopped leeks and turn it over until it is smooth.

7, corn

Corn is a health food in coarse grains. Its high dietary fiber content stimulates gastrointestinal motility and accelerates fecal excretion, which is a great benefit for constipation. Of course, it also has diuretic, antihypertensive, enhanced metabolism, meticulous skin and other effects.

Recommended maternity recipe: pine kernel corn

Frozen corn kernels (300 g), pine nuts (100 g), chives (1), green peppers (1) or Hanga (1), red pepper (2), salt (3 g), sugar (3 g), and milk (45 ml).

1 Take the frozen corn kernels out of the refrigerator and thaw them at room temperature (if you are in urgent need, you can also thaw in cold water, but the taste is slightly worse). Rinse with clean water and drain to reserve. Wash the green and red peppers and cut them diagonally. Do not remove seeds. Chopped green onions.

2 Do not pour oil in the pot, put the pine nuts into the pot, slowly roast the pine nuts with a small fire. When the pine kernels turn yellowish and the surface is shiny, spontaneous cooling is promoted. When the pan is poured into the oil and the heat is heated to 70%, add the green onion and stir into the corn, pour the corn flakes, add the salt and sugar, stir fry for about half a minute, pour in the milk and stir until milk is poured. When you dry the soup, add the pine nuts.

8, lettuce

Lettuce is extremely nutritious and contains many vitamins and abundant minerals. Regular consumption can improve the gastrointestinal blood circulation, promote the digestion and absorption of fat and protein, remove the garbage in the blood, and detoxify the stomach.

Lettuce is extremely nutritious and contains many vitamins and rich minerals

Recommended maternity recipes: fried lettuce

Lettuce, garlic, onion, meat, shrimp.

The pan is hot, the appropriate amount of oil is hot, and the fragrant onion, garlic and shrimp are cooked. Add marinated meat and stir-fry. Pour the washed lettuce into a pan and stir it. Add a suitable amount of seasoning to serve.

Concluding Remarks: The above is what Xiaobian tells you about what good maternity women eat. Maternal women need more nutrition to support the health of two people. Therefore, during pregnancy, we must pay attention to the health of nutrition. Can give you a reference, so that pregnant women eat well during pregnancy, eat nutritious.


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