Winter wheat uses formula fertilizer

Formula fertilization is based on the law of crop manure requirements, soil nutrient performance and fertilizer effect, under the premise of application of organic fertilizer basis, put forward the appropriate amount and proportion of NPK fertilizer and fertilizer application techniques. Compared with farmers' experience in fertilization, its significant feature is the quantification of fertilization, which has a significant effect on overcoming blind fertilization, and has the combined effect of increasing production, saving fertilizer, increasing income, and increasing fertilizer utilization.

Formula fertilizer refers to soil test and field experiment as the basis. According to the law of fertilizer demand of the crop, soil fertility and fertilizer effect, various single-element fertilizers and/or compound fertilizers are used as raw materials, and blending or granulation technology is adopted. Fertilizers suitable for specific areas and specific crops.

In several stages of wheat growth, seedling emergence to return to the seedling stage, mainly vegetative growth; jointing to heading for the vigorous growth period, vegetative growth and reproductive growth, rapid growth; flowering to maturity for the late growth period. Slow growth before returning to green, with less demand for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, from the jointing to the flowering period is the most vigorous period of the metabolism of wheat, so the application of base fertilizer, timely fertilizer, especially in the pursuit of jointing fertilizer is the key to high yield of wheat. According to the requirement of winter wheat, fertilization should grasp the following points:

1, pay attention to the application of organic fertilizer. High-yield wheat fields generally pay attention to the application of organic fertilizers. Usually, the recommended amount of high-quality farmyard fertilizer is 2500 kg/mu, and the recommended amount of commodity organic fertilizer is 500 kg/mu. As the organic fertilizer gradually decomposes and releases nutrients under the action of microorganisms, it can provide sufficient nutrients for the whole growth period of winter wheat, and it can also play the role of drought protection in the drought year.

2, adhere to organic fertilizer and formula fertilizer with the application. In the high-yielding wheat field base fertilizer, not only the application of organic fertilizer should be emphasized, but also the application of NPK fertilizer. At present, the Beijing Soil Fertilizers Work Station has formulated four wheat specific fertilizer formulations suitable for soil applications at different fertility levels based on the soil nutrient test results of each district and county. These are: nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium=15-20-10; nitrogen- Phospho-potassium=15-25-5; nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium=18-22-5; nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium=15-22-8; the recommended dosage for the above formula fertilizer is 20-30 kg/mu. Simultaneously, basal fertilizer should be deeply applied to fully meet the maximum demand of phosphorus and potassium nutrients in middle and late winter wheat, and lay a good foundation for high yield.

3, reasonable top dressing. The general wheat field should be focused on returning green manure, so that more tillers can be guaranteed and a good foundation for high yields. Should be combined with irrigation in the return period for special fertilizer (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium = 25-0-5) 15-20 kg/mu; joint irrigation combined with special fertilizer (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium = 25- 0-5) 20 kg/mu.

High-yielding N shifts should be established in the wheat field. Due to the high soil fertility, the emphasis of top dressing needs to be placed at jointing stage so as to ensure that the panicles, grains, and grain weights are obtained on the basis of reasonable group structure to achieve high yield. Should be combined at the jointing stage irrigation special fertilizer (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium = 25-0-5) 35 kg / acre.

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