Purple Dwarf Cherry

Scientific name: prunsxcistenena

Family is: for Rosaceae Prunus

Species: Deciduous shrubs or small trees


Purple Sakura is native to the United States. China introduced it from the United States in the late 1980s. In 1997, the Chinese Academy of Forestry began to study the traits, morphological characteristics, ecological habits, cultivation and management, propagation techniques, and stress tolerance of the purple cherry. Sito research and regional cultivation experiments were carried out. The results showed that the purple dwarf cherry trees performed well in the north and south of China.

Morphological characteristics:

It is a hybrid of purple peony and dwarf cherry, which is about 2.5 meters high.

Purple leafy dwarf sakura leaves alternate, leaves long ovate or ovate-elliptic, apex acuminate, leaf base broadly lobed, leaf margin irregularly bluntly toothed, leaf red or purple, abaxially redder, new The top of the leaves are bright purple, the branchlets are purplish red, the flowers are solitary, the medium is small, the pale pink, the petals are 5, and the stamens are mostly flowering from April to May.

Due to the defoliation from the fresh leaves to the leaves, the purple dwarf cherry tree can be purplish red from the beginning to the end. It is more outstanding than the red leaf plum, the purple leafy plum, the beautiful plum, the new bright purple plum, making it a popular colorful leaf tree species.

Growth habits:

Purple leafy dwarf cherry tree hi hi light, hi warm and humid climate, the soil is not demanding, well-drained, fertile sand, sandy loam, mild clay grow well. Purple dwarf sakura is hardy and drought-tolerant. It can safely pass through winter in sheltered areas in front of buildings with good weather in Liaoning and southern Jilin.

Purple dwarf cherry tree has the general biological characteristics of the Rosaceae plant, strong branching ability, extremely resistant to high-strength trim, easy modeling.

Why the leaves of purple leafy cherry purple is not easy to change color, scientists have found that the content of phytocyanin is the main factor to maintain the leaf color.

The chlorophyll content of purple plants generally increases with the maturity of the leaves. Analysis of the chlorophyll and anthocyanin contents of the purple leafy cherry dwarf cherry leaves found that the anthocyanin content of fresh leaves and mature leaves accounted for absolute advantages, especially for new leaves. It shows bright purple, which is incomparable with other purple plants.

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