Causes of urinary calculi in blister and treatment measures

In the breeding process of mink, due to improper feeding and management, blisters and urinary stones occur from time to time, and are more common in weaned pups. In particular, public pupae are more common, and there are fewer cases of blisters. Due to the inability to conduct effective diagnosis and treatment, the death of leeches has caused a great economic loss to farmers.

Characteristics of the disease The disease mainly occurs from June to August, especially in hot and humid seasons. Suffering from a well-fed young calf suddenly occurs, especially male and female cubs. The patient was mentally uncomfortable, his hind legs were walking, his urine was dripping during urination, and hematuria was excreted; the urethra and abdomen were soaked in hair and the abdominal circumference increased. When touching the front edge of the pubis, one can feel the fullness of the bladder, and the pressure is sensitive. At the same time, it can touch the stones. Sometimes it touches the empty bladder, and when the impact palpation of the abdomen has water, the abdominal puncture will have a lot of Pale yellow or red liquid oozing out of the urine, often mixed with sand-like material. Chronic cases often exhibit gait instability and hind limb paralysis. Some blister did not see any abnormal sudden death. The main pathological changes at the time of necropsy were stones of varying sizes in the kidney and bladder. There were inflammatory changes or hemorrhages and ulcers around the stones.

Causes of morbidity Long-term feeding of feeds rich in minerals, and some leeches in the feeding process, long-term over-proportionation in the diet of bran or cereal feeds, especially if the mineral additives are not added in proportion and are added excessively, It is easy to form hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria, which lays the foundation for the formation of calcium carbonate urolithiasis and causes the occurrence of this disease.

Vitamin A deficiency Due to vitamin A deficiency, the function of the central nervous system to regulate salt formation can be disturbed, resulting in keratinization and shedding of the urothelium and contributing to the formation of urinary stones.

Drinking water lacks a hot season. The leeches regulate body temperature changes by drinking plenty of water. At this time, if there is insufficient drinking water, the urine will be thickened, and the salt concentration will be too high, and crystallization will easily occur to form urinary stones.

Changes in physiochemical properties of urine Changes in urine pH can affect the solubility of some salts. When urine is retained, urea decomposes to generate ammonia, so that urine becomes basic to form calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, ammonium magnesium phosphate and other urine stones; and acidic urine is easy to promote the formation of urate urinary stones, especially in urine The content of citrate is reduced, and calcium salts precipitate easily to form urinary stones.

Infection of the urinary system When the kidney and urinary tract are infected, bacteria and inflammatory products accumulate in the urine and can become the core of salt crystals. In particular, the inflammation of the kidneys can cause the normal dissolution and balance of urine crystals and colloids to be destroyed. As a result, salt crystals tend to precipitate and form urinary stones.

Diagnosis Complete urethral obstruction can be diagnosed on the basis of urinary disturbances, palpation of urinary stones in the bladder, or urolith. Incomplete urethral obstruction can be based on the initial diagnosis of illness behavior. In order to confirm the diagnosis should be based on the results of pathological necropsy as a diagnostic basis.

Prevention measures To prevent the formation of urolithiasis, from the beginning of April to the peeling period, 75% phosphoric acid solution (or 20% ammonium chloride solution) can be added according to 0.8% of the feed amount, so that the pH of the diet is 6.0; 1 ml to 2 ml, once every 3 days to 5 days, withdrawal from 3 days to 5 days, and so feeding again for 1 month. Practice has proved that adding appropriate amount of vinegar in the diet can effectively prevent the occurrence of urinary stones. Increase the proportion of meat, fat, milk and vegetables in the diet, ensure the ratio of calcium and phosphorus and enough vitamin A to avoid excessive calcium or phosphorus. At the same time ensure that the drinking water inside the water box is sufficient. For incomplete obstructive disease, early application of 0.2 mg of urotropine, 0.1-0.2 g of sulfasalazine, 0.2-0.3 g of Salo, 0.2-0.3 g of sodium bicarbonate, orally, once daily, for continuous use 7 days. Can also use traditional Chinese medicine therapy, its composition: Haijinsha 10 grams, 30 grams of Desmodium, Ji Nei Jin 30 grams, 10 grams of Dendrobium, 10 grams of sea pumice stone, talc 5 grams, after crushing appropriate amount of oral administration.

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