Recommended Aloe Vera Beauty Whitening Recipe

Aloe is a very good beauty food for women, and often using aloe vera to apply a mask will make the skin more and more white and more and more delicate. Aloe Vera also has the effect of being able to lose weight. Today we introduce you several aloe recipes and teach you how to whiten your face.

Snow ear aloe

Ingredients: 20 grams of white fungus, 125 grams of aloe vera, coriander, coriander and the appropriate amount. Hail, the amount of pure water.


1, white fungus bubble hair, to the root, add steamed water.

2, aloe peeled and washed, cut, cooked and showered, wolfberry soaked hair.

3, rock sugar plus pure water on the juice, into the white fungus, aloe, wolfberry soaked in flavor, sprinkle with parsley.

Mango Aloe Yogurt

Materials: 1 mango, 1 aloe vera, 1 vial of yogurt, a little honey.


1, mango peeled, to the core, spare flesh.

2. Aloe vera tore off the skin, put the transparent pulp into the blender, add mango, yogurt, honey, and beat it into juice.

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