Potato Late Blight Prevention and Control Technology

The first is the application of agricultural control technology. Timely drainage and other healthy cultivation measures are adopted to enhance the disease resistance of the crops.

The second is to dispose of Daejeon Central Diseased Plant early. The central diseased plant was found to be removed in a timely manner, brought into deep field (with a depth of 1 m or more), disinfected with lime, and mancozeb, fluopicolide, metalaxyl was sprayed within 50 meters around the diseased plant. Metalaxyl manganese zinc and other agents are used for preventive treatment.

The third is to conduct large-scale prevention in a timely manner. In the common areas of potato late blight, it is necessary to adopt the combination of unified prevention and group prevention and control, and timely spraying mancozeb and other protective fungicides for 1 to 3 times for prevention. Attention should be paid to rotation.

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