Pea downy mildew

Symptoms mainly affected the leaves and faded spots appeared on the leaves. Bacterial plexus spores were born on the back or leaf surface, mostly on the back of leaves, white to lavender. Young shoots on young shoots suffer more. The lavender mold layer on the back of the leaf is full of leaves, causing the leaves to die and die.

The pathogens Peronospora pisi H. Sydow in Gaumann and P.viciae de Bary described P. communis and P. viciae, which belong to the flagellin subphylum fungi. The cyst stalks are 3-4 bunched, high e37-760um, major axis 4-12um, fork-like branches 4-9 times, top branches straight or slightly curved, size 4-211.4-2.5 (μm). The sporangia are oval in shape, light yellowish-brown, with a size of 15-2931-24 (FAm). The oospores are tan and brown, the surface is dentate and raised, the mesh between the teeth, spherical, size 25.2–42um. British literature identified two fungi as synonyms.

Transmission Pathways and Pathogenic Conditions Germs use oospore to overwinter on sick bodies or seeds. When the conditions are suitable for the following year, zoospores are produced. The invading germinal stems from the cotyledon, the hyphae spreads upwards along with the growth point, enters buds or true leaves, and forms a large number of sporangia and spores after system infestation, spreading through wind and rain, and proceeding again. Infection, after repeated infections formed the epidemic. The average temperature in the rainy season is 20-24°C.

Control methods (1) Select disease-resistant varieties and leave them as disease-free seeds. (2) A rotation of 2 years or more is implemented. (3) Clear the pastoral areas, where the sick and the disabled are burned and the land is ploughed in time. (4) According to the formula fertilization, reasonable dense planting. (5) Chemical control 35% metalaxyl seed dressing was used for seed dressing at 0.3% of the seed amount; spraying 1:1:200 times Bordeaux mixture or 90% triethylaluminum phosphate wettable powder 500 times was started at the beginning of the disease. , 60% Chlortothasone WP 500 times, 72% Glucosamine or 72% Cream Urea MnZn (Ke Ling) WP 800-1000 times. The area where the above fungicides produce resistance can be replaced by 69% Anke Manganese zinc wettable powder or water dispersible granules 1000 times, once or twice a day, for 1 or 2 times.

 Liporase Hyaluronidase is made in Korea and it is approve by KFDA.Hyaluronidase is used to dissolve hyaluronic acid fillers that have been placed incorrectly, excessively, or unevenly. It is injected into the same locations that the filler already is.

Hyaluronidase is also used in emergency situations where Dermal Filler has been inadvertently injected into an artery causing occlusion of the blood supply. It is injected into the vicinity of the dermal filler that needs to be dissolved.


To remove filler.hyaluronidase can be injected to dissolve the hyaluronic acid in dermal fillers


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hyaluronidase is often combined with local anaesthetic to increse the diffusion of local anaesthetic


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