Current Summer Corn Field Management Points

At present, the growth conditions of summer corn in the Huang-Huai-Hai and Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan regions are generally good, with an average period of 4-6 leaves visible. There are no severe droughts, detritus, diseases, insects, or even seedlings that are severely damaged or even destroyed. Recently, members of the Maize Maize Steering Group of the Ministry of Agriculture have conducted in-depth investigation and discussion of the seedlings in the main producing areas of summer maize, and proposed the following technical guidelines for the field management of summer corn:

First, the seedlings Dingmiao

Increasing the planting density is an important measure to achieve high yields of corn. It is necessary to determine the appropriate density based on the characteristics of the varieties and the level of soil strength, and the time seedlings and seedlings to ensure planting density. After the seedlings are seeded, the two seedlings are kept in the nearest place in the same line or in the neighboring line to prepare for early seedling replacement. During the period of 3 leaves, seedlings, 5-6 leaf visible leaves (4-5 unfolded leaves) were seedlings, weak seedlings, diseased seedlings, insect seedlings were removed, strong seedlings, seedlings, seedlings were kept, and the uniformity of the group was improved. For density-tolerant varieties and high-yielding fields, the suitable seedling density is about 4,500 plants per mu. For thin-cultivated plants and poorly-fertilized land, the suitable density for planting is about 3500 plants per mu.

Second, scientific fertilization

To formulate balanced fertilization according to the local corn production targets and fertility levels. Based on the application of base fertilizer for the former winter wheat, the application of chemical fertilizer (urea) is the main method, and attention should be paid to the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers and trace fertilizers. The phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be applied on a one-time basis. Nitrogen fertilizer management insists on the principle of light Miaofei, heavy horn fertilization, and the recovery of spent grain fertilizer. In the jointing stage, nitrogen fertilizer was applied to the deep side (15-20 cm) along the side of the seedlings, which accounted for about 30% of the total amount of nitrogen fertilizer. During the big bell-mouth period, about 50% of the total nitrogen applied to the panicles was promoted by large spikes and grains, and attention was paid to deep application and combination of topdressing for weeding and weeding. At grain filling stage, 20% of total nitrogen was applied to increase the photosynthetic capacity and increase grain weight.

Third, reasonable irrigation

According to the law of corn water demand and soil moisture, master the best irrigation period and supply water in time. After jointing, the roots, stems, and leaves of the corn grow rapidly and enter the differentiation stage of male and female ears. The soil water holding capacity in the field should be maintained at 65-75%. The flowering period is the peak water demand during the life of corn. It requires that the water content in one meter soil layer is not less than 70% of the field water capacity. The grain filling period is a critical period for the formation of yield. It is necessary to ensure the demand for water from corn, effectively increase the number of grains per spike, prevent empty stalks and baldness, and increase the 1000-grain weight of corn. In addition to the seedling stage, when the water holding capacity in the field is less than 60% during each growth period, it should be promptly irrigated.

Fourth, control weeds

For plots with better soil moisture, 40% EtOH mixture 200-250 ml can be directly sprayed per acre, or 33% Penicillin (Shi Tianbu) EC 100 ml and 72% Dole EC per acre. Fifty liters of water in 75 ml was used for closed spray. For plots with poor soil moisture content, spray 5% corn seedlings 3-5 leaves, weeds 2-5 leaf leaves per acre with 100 ml of 4% jatrophe suspension concentrate (Nicosulfuron). Or in the 7-8 leaf stage of corn, use the 20% paraquat herbicide (water solution) water 50 liters directional spray, also can combine cultivator for weeding.

Fifth, control and prevent collapse

Lodging, especially in the middle and late stages, is an important factor affecting corn production. On the basis of selecting the varieties with dense and resistant varieties, we must cultivate the soil in a timely manner and timely control and prevent lodging. For plots with excessive density and severe risk of lodging, sprinkle 50% of CQC water 200 times before booting to increase plant lodging resistance and improve ventilation and light transmission.

VI. Pest Control

On the basis of selecting disease-resistant varieties and carrying out seed coating, attention should be paid to forecasting and preventing diseases and insect pests in the middle and later stages. Focus on the prevention and control of major diseases and pests such as corn borers, aphids, and dwarf diseases to minimize the loss of corn production.

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