January Livestock farming

January is the coldest part of the year. The farms (households) must do a good job of preventing cold and warming. At the same time, animal husbandry production should do the following:

1. Keep cold work and keeping warm in the breeding houses and brooding rooms. The feeding and brooding stages of the larvae and larvae have little heat production, poor resistance and weak adaptability to temperature changes. Special attention must be paid to prevent frostbite , freeze to death, while doing a good job of warming, we should pay attention to proper ventilation and maintain air circulation.

2. Do a good job of immunization of various livestock and poultry, and do a good job in vaccination of sow breeding and respiratory disorders syndromes and pseudorabies. In particular, poultry poultry should fully inject the bird flu vaccine to ensure the smooth progress of livestock and poultry. winter.

3. The winter and spring seasons are frequent seasons of respiratory diseases. Prevention and control of livestock and poultry respiratory diseases should be well done. At the same time, prevention of gastrointestinal diseases should be taken to prevent secondary or mixed infections.

4, to strengthen the feeding and management, to ensure the energy supply of livestock and poultry, in the feed to add trace elements in proportion. The temperature of livestock and poultry drinking water should not be too low, and it is best to feed warm water under conditions. Grazing should be carried out after the dew has dried and before the sun goes down.


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