Cineraria cultivation

Cineraria jasminoides, also known as jatropha, is a perennial herb of the genus Compositae, usually cultivated for 1-2 years. Stems erect, densely covered with pilose plants, 20-60 cm in height, and named after the leaves of the cucurbit family. Cineraria hi summer warm and cool summer, humid and ventilated climate environment, intolerant of summer heat, not cold, afraid of drought, fear of embarrassment, hi light, but avoid direct sunlight. The flowering period is from December to April of the following year. The flowering period is 2-3 months. Its colorful flowers are rich and colorful, and have high ornamental value. It is one of the important ornamental potted flowers during the New Year and Spring Festival.

First, the sowing date: geranium is usually sown to reproduce, to New Year's Day flowering can be sown in June to July; Spring Festival flowering in August to September sowing; "May 1" flowering in October sowing. Early broadcasters are large and large, and late broadcasters are small.

Second, sowing medium: sowing soil requires permeable, air permeability, low fertilizer, fine particles. It is usually formulated in a ratio of 1:2 with river sand, humus (or peat). After screening, add carbendazim powder for disinfection.

Third, the sowing method: when sowing will be pre-prepared nursery soil loaded in pots, after soaking the seeds evenly sprinkled on the surface of the soil, after sowing covered 1-2 mm fine soil, just to cover the seeds as well . Then, the seedling pots were covered with glass heat preservation moisturizer, and placed at 15-25 °C half shade, not on direct sunlight, so as not to affect the emergence of seedlings due to changes in temperature and humidity. Observe the situation in the seedling pot every day, keep the soil in the seedling pot moist, and find it dry and add moisture in a timely manner by dipping. Generally, water is replenished once every 2-3 days.

IV. Seedling management: Generally, seedlings begin to emerge after 5 days, and seedlings emerge in about 10 days. At this point you can remove the glass for ventilation, when the seedlings began to grow out of the true leaves gradually move to the sun, but should avoid direct light, so as to avoid blight. When the seedlings grow 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings are planted to increase the growth space. Forged soil can be prepared with 1 part of humus (or peat) plus 1 part of perlite. Thin bamboo shoots are used to pick out the seedlings from the roots, transfer them to the seedling plate and then drench them with bactericidal water. Be careful not to let the sun shine directly before the seedlings are released. One month later, when the seedlings grow to 4-5 true leaves, they are transplanted into pots. Dig out the soil with a shovel and directly plant the 5-inch pot. The soil in the pot should be pre-added with fertilizer. The spacing between the rows is 2-3 cm. Note that the leaves should not be contaminated with soil to prevent decay. After transplanting, the seedlings should be placed on the half shade at 3-5 days for easing, and then gradually moved to the sun. The basin soil is often kept moist, and after spraying, 0.1% urea foliar fertilizer is sprayed on the seedlings. Once a day for 10 days, the spray is sprayed 2-3 times. Because the cineraria has a strong phototaxis, it is necessary to turn the flower pots frequently during the entire management process and rotate it once a week to maintain the plant shape.

Fifth, after budding management: from buds to translucent daily topdressing 1 more concentrated liquid fertilizer. According to the dry and wet conditions of basin soil, the basin soil should be dry and wet to control the plant's leggy. In addition, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate was sprayed once a week for a total of 3-4 injections to provide sufficient nutrients for the growth and development of flower buds. After most of the buds pass through the color, the foliar dressing should be stopped, and the thin liquid fertilizer should be applied at the flowering stage.

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