Qiu Ji Li cultivation techniques

In order to explore a new way out for the Brown Lee series of high-quality varieties, we have observed through practical trials over the past three years that it is clear that the performance of the tree in our land is strong, the production is early, the fruit is large, the color is brilliant, the quality is excellent, the pests and diseases are light, and the yield is high. With a large production value and a mature period between the National Day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the market prospects are good and it is worth promoting. The main cultivation points are as follows.
1. Standardized building
Planting in the spring of 2003, before the winter in the fall of 1 year before planting, 80 cm of X4m spacing was planted at a spacing of 3m×4m and the raw and cooked soil were piled separately. After freezing in the spring of the following year, after thawing in the spring of the following year, 10 kilograms of high-quality farmyard manure and ripening soil are mixed and mixed in each hole to evenly fill the caverns. The water is poured until the water seeps through, and a hole is dug in the cave. The seedlings are graded and trimmed. Injured the root system and sprayed with 50% Duo Ling 500 times to disinfect. When planted, they are planted according to size, strength and weakness, and the root water is less poured after soil sealing. After the planting, the tree disk is turned into a turtle shape, covering a 1 m2 mulch, compacted with fine soil around the mulch.
2. Strengthen Soil Fertilizer Water Before and after the planting of wheat seedlings, according to soil moisture conditions, combined with rain conditions, it must not be lacking, and timely watering is the key to ensure survival. After wheat is harvested, when the seedling grows new roots and shoots are 20 centimeters long, 0.2 kg of fast-acting fertilizer can be topdressed. From the second year onwards, fruit tree special fertilizer (nitrogen 9%, phosphorus 6%, potassium 1%) was applied each year before flowering, hard nucleus stage, and after fruit harvesting, each time applying 1.5 kg per plant. In the autumn, the basal fertilizer is re-used, and 2.5 kg of fermented chicken manure is applied to each plant, mixed and mixed with 0.5 kg of superphosphate, and deepened by digging 30 cm of semi-circular groove or radial groove, and then watered after covering the soil. During the growing season, it combines the control of pests and diseases, foliar spray of 0.2% urea + potassium dihydrogen phosphate, Fengzhilu photosynthetic fertilizer. After entering the winter, combined with clearing the garden, shave the tree disk, defoliate weeds deep under the tree, return to the roots of fallen leaves, raise trees with trees, and cultivate gardens, increase soil organic matter content, and improve soil physical properties.
3. Scientific plastic trim Qiujie Li generally adopts free spindle shape. After the tree was planted, the tree was set to dry at a distance of 70 cm from the ground. During the growing period, germination of the trunk below 50 cm was promptly removed. The first branch of the excised buds was the middle stem extension branch, and one main branch was selected in the plastic band. The main branch angle was adjusted to 80 degrees. The new shoot was picked up to 40 centimeters, and the new shoot was grown to the right length. About 40 cm, topping again to promote branching. About 40 centimeters in the stem extension interval, choose to leave a main branch with the main branch of the lower row, the opening angle, picking method with the first main branch. The branches that germinate on the main branch are cut short during winter cutting, and the medium and small fruiting branches are cultivated. After 3 years of colonization, the tree shape initially formed, and the main branch showed a uniaxial extension. When its growth was weak, new techniques were promoted from the lateral parts of the base, and the original main branch of the rejuvenation was renewed and retracted at the appropriate site before the new technique.
4. Flower and fruit management Qiu Ji Li Yichenghua, high fruit setting rate, show extremely high fruit setting ability with Angelocong pollination, and has strong resistance to late frost. Production promotes thinning and fruit thinning, adopts pre-flowering shearing, and set fruit size. As a result, generally 15 cm away from the left to stay a fruit, 30 leaves to leave a fruit, without leaving a string of fruit, fruit, 667 square meters of 3-year-old sapling production control at 1500 kg is appropriate. In order to ensure the fruit setting coefficient, 0.2% borax or boric acid should be sprayed during the flowering period, the bee should be placed on the flowering stage, or the watering of the flowers prior to flowering delays the flowering period to prevent frost damage.
5. Reasonable regulation of Qiu Ji Li's annual growth of new shoots is large, the crown is easy to prosper, and the closure of the canopy is extremely easy. The resulting parts are moved outwards and the internal hernia is removed. The vegetative shoots other than the main shoot are pulled early and picked up. The main branch adjusts the angle. 1 week after flowering according to the crown projection area of ​​1 square meter soil 15% paclobutrazol 1 gram. Or spray 15% paclobutrazol 300 times 2-3 times; also can be used before flowering, 3 weeks after flowering, hard core period spraying different concentrations of PBO enhancer, rare earth elements; late growth water control; improve lighting condition of fruit trees.
6. Pest control in winter combined with pruning, clearing the garden, cutting off pests and branches, clearing the weeds and defoliation in the garden and staging fruit, and burning or burying them together; before the winter, shave the trees, freeze the soil, kill the soil and overwinter the pests; After thawing, the tree trays are well cleaned, drainage and irrigation works are repaired, and under the trees, mulch film is covered to prevent emergence of spotworms and borers. Before spraying, 5 degrees lime sulfur or 100 times Fumei arsenic production agent is sprayed; 2000 times before and after blooming Chrysanthemum pesticides were mixed with 800 times 50% carbendazim; spraying 35% zeocin 500 times or 25% thiophanatex 1000 times every 20 days, adding diflubenzuron 3, chlorimurin, Imidacloprid; protects the natural enemies of the seven-spotted ladybug, the grass barley, and the Trichogramma species; makes predictions and timely prevention and control of the borers, aphids, leafhoppers, and many other diseases.

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