Causes and Prevention of "Three Drops" of Pepper

The “three-falls” of the peppers refers to the phenomenon of falling, falling, and falling of the pepper (including bell peppers) during the growth period, collectively referred to as “three falls.”
Causes of “three falls” Pepper “three falls” have occurred under different cultivation conditions. In the early stage, many buds fell off, and some were deciduous in the middle and later stages; this resulted in a significant reduction in yield. There are two reasons for the “three downfalls”. First, they are physiological. They include the temperature during the growing period when the seeds are planted too early or in the back-season, especially when the ground temperature is lower than 18°C, and the physiological function of the roots is decreased, 8°C. When the roots stop growing, the plants have fertility and the temperature is below 15°C, although they can flower. However, anthers cannot be powdered and cause flowers to fall. During the growing season, the temperature is too high, over 35 °C, may be fertilized after flowering, or the ground temperature exceeds 30 °C, and the development of the root system is impaired, resulting in poor development of pollen, which causes flowering. During the period of growth, it encounters continuous and cloudy rain for a long period of time. The lack of light, excessive water, long crops, and unbalanced reproductive growth cause "three falls." Second, due to pathological reasons, during the growing period of pepper, it was infected with sores, anthrax, and viral diseases that caused "three falls."
Prevention and control measures For the “three falls” of peppers that occur in the growing season, we must first find out the main causes of the disease, which are physiological reasons, such as high temperature, low temperature, excessive water, plant leggy, drought, etc., and must be controlled through strengthening management. Peppers grown in greenhouses need to be ventilated when they encounter high temperatures, lower their temperatures, and prevent them from exceeding 35°C. The mulching of the cultivar covered with mulching film can enter the high temperature season to break the membrane and prevent the soil temperature from being too high. Conditionally, the visor can cover the cooling. Seriously exposed to open-chili pepper, it is necessary to remove water in a timely manner to prevent damage. In the event of a drought causing fallen flowers and fallen leaves, timely irrigation should be added to ensure the normal growth of plants. If the density is too high and the light is insufficient, the density must be adjusted, the weak strains must be removed, and the plants must be properly planted in order to facilitate ventilation. In the early days, as soon as there was a small number of diseased plants, it was quickly spread throughout the whole area with wind and rain, insects, and agricultural operations. The disease is a bacterial disease. It can be diluted with 72% agricultural streptomycin 4000 times solution or neomycin to a concentration of 150-200 mg/liter. Spray control, spray once every 7-10 days, even spray 2-3 times. Both of these pesticides are biological pesticides, suitable for use in green foods, and have good control effect. Prevention and control of pepper virus disease, yellow plate can be used to induce cockroaches, eliminate poisoning insects, combined spraying 2% bacteriotic grams grams (Ningnanmycin) agent 200-260 times liquid, spray every 7-10 days, even spray 2-3 times. The drug is also a biological pesticide, and it has a cure for anthrax and can kill both.

Ganoderma Extract (Ganoderma Lucidum extract/Reishi mushroom extract) is extracted from top-graded organic shell-broken Ganoderma Lucidum spore powder using advanced modern technology. Spores are the seeds of Ganoderma Lucidum. When it matures, the spores are released from the mushroom cap. They are also where most of the nutrients of Ganoderma Lucidum are contained. In order to allow the nutrients inside the spore powder to be fully absorbed by human body, we used a patented technology called low temperature physical shell-breaking technology to crack the cell wall of Ganoderma Lucidum spore powder.


The Ganoderma we used for this product comes from our self-built organic Ganoderma farm at Mt. Wuyi. Both the farm and the GMP workshop have acquired organic certifications from 4 countries and regions including Chinese, Japan, the US, and the EU. We do not use any type of herbicide, pesticide, or chemical fertilizer during the whole cultivation process, delivering the best and safest product to our customers.


By using extraction technology, we can increase the concentration of Ganoderma polysaccharides and triterpenes in the product. Reishi Mushroom Powder polysaccharides and triterpenes both work together to enhance human’s immune system, fighting against diseases and infections. Also, Ganoderma can help protect the liver, increase sleep quality as well as relive stress.

Ganoderma Extract

Ganoderma Extract,Reishi Spore Powder,Ganoderma Lucidum Powder,Ganoderma Lucidum

Ganoherb International Inc. ,