Which fruits and vegetables are most suitable for pregnant women?

A study published in the United States "Environmental Health Outlook" found that pregnant mothers eat more fruits and vegetables to avoid the harmful effects of chemical exposure on the baby. This study specifically investigated the effects of prenatal exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in infants. The results showed that eating more fruits and vegetables during pregnancy can effectively avoid the health hazards of PAHs to fetal development and growth.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have a lot to do with high incidence of depression, childhood obesity, anxiety and hyperactivity disorder. PAHs are the earliest human environmental pollutants and carcinogens found in humans. They are commonly found in air, food, and drinking water. PAHs in the atmosphere mainly originate from the incomplete combustion of coal, wood, oil, and tobacco, and are one of the major toxic substances that particulate matter indicates. Not only carcinogenic, mutagenic effects of drinking genetic toxicity, but also through the combination of placenta and DNA to form a conjugate, resulting in fetal DNA damage, affecting fetal growth and development.

In the study, the researchers collected data on more than 600 newborns born in Denmark, the United Kingdom, Spain, Greece, and Norway. According to a detailed food survey conducted by their mothers during pregnancy, it was found that women who consumed large amounts of fruits and vegetables during pregnancy could better avoid the possible negative effects of exposure of their babies to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, such as low birth weight.

Eight fruits and vegetables that are best for pregnant women


1. Strawberry

Strawberry is rich in vitamin C, folic acid and fiber.

Main supplement: folic acid

The best way to eat: strawberry drink (fresh strawberries 250 grams, washed and smashed, reconcile with cold water).

Tip: When you buy strawberries, you should choose ripe, bright colors, and regular appearance. Do not wash with detergent, you should use Taomi Shui to soak and wash. Strawberries are fruits that are prone to spoilage and should not be stored for long. Strawberry is a cold product, should not eat.

2. Carrot

Carrots contain carotene and can be converted to vitamin A. Those with vitamin A deficiency, rough skin, dry eyes, night blindness, poor body resistance, and mothers who are prone to develop respiratory and urinary system diseases are right to eat more carrots.

Main supplements: protein, pro-vitamin A (carotene) and amino acids

The best way to eat: Carotene is a fat-soluble hard-soluble substance, digestion and absorption rate is poor, cooking and cooking should be co-cooked, such as pork slices fried carrots and mutton carrot hot pot soup.

Expert Tip: Do not add vinegar, or eat with sour foods, otherwise it will make carrot ascorbate enzyme lost.

3, tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in vitamins, carotene, proteins, and trace elements. Eating more tomatoes can help dilute the skin pigmentation of pregnant mothers.

Main supplement: vitamins

The best way to eat: tomato and potato soup

Tip: It is best to choose tomatoes that are big, rounded, plump, and beautiful in appearance. Do not eat tomatoes with long-lived vegetation, do not eat immature tomatoes, because green tomatoes contain a large number of toxic tomato base, pregnant mothers after eating, there will be nausea, vomiting, weakness and other symptoms of poisoning, the development of the baby Also harmful. Do not eat tomatoes on an empty stomach, because a lot of colloidal, fruit quality, persimmon powder, soluble astringent and other ingredients can easily react with gastric acid, form a insoluble lumps, obstruct the gastric outlet caused by abdominal pain in pregnant mothers.

4. Banana

Bananas are rich in folic acid. Pregnant mothers have more intake of folic acid foods, which is very helpful for the development of neonatal vascular nerves.

Main supplement: folic acid

The best way to eat: banana mashed potatoes

Tip: sour foods can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, improve the power of digestive enzymes, promote gastrointestinal motility, improve the loss of appetite caused by endocrine changes during pregnancy and digestive dysfunction. Expecting mothers to eat more bananas also helps the baby's bones, brain and body organs.

5, sweet corn

Sweet corn is rich in nutrients, good in palatability, contains many kinds of vitamins, and contains unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid, which can lower blood cholesterol, soften blood vessels and prevent coronary heart disease.

Main supplements: Vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids

The best way to eat: boil or steam

Tip: pregnant mothers need to increase the number of excellent protein, but at the same time we must pay attention to the intake of sufficient fiber, sweet corn nutrient fiber content is refined rice, fine face 7 to 9 times. According to medical research, cellulose has at least five medical effects on the human body, namely prevention of gastrointestinal cancer, prevention of constipation, lowering cholesterol and slowing the formation of arteriosclerosis, and prevention of diabetes and cholelithiasis.

6, onions

Spicy onion, there are heat phlegm, detoxification and insecticidal effect. It contains prostaglandin A, which is extremely rare in vegetables, and can lower blood pressure. Onion is also a good anti-cancer food, rich in trace elements selenium, is a strong antioxidant, can improve the body's immune system, have a significant effect on the prevention of breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer. Thiamine contained in onions can suppress spots and dandruff.

Major supplements: protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc.

The best way to eat: The best feature of onion when it comes to meat and onions is not only to prevent adult diseases, but also to restore fatigue.

Tip: Excessive consumption of onion produces flatulence and exhaust. Mothers with pruritus and congestive eyes should not eat. The longer the onion stew, the more the sweetness can be increased. This method is quite good, but in fact, the absorption rate of vitamin B1 decreases.

7, watermelon

Watermelon contains a lot of nutrients such as carotene, vitamins, sugar, iron, etc. It is one of the most nutritious, purest, and safest to use. It has fluidity, irritability, thirst, hot weather, clear lungs, and stomach urination. , Help digestion, promote metabolism, suitable for hypertension, hepatitis, nephritis, edema, edema, and heat stroke, sweating more thirsty mothers eat.

Main supplements: vitamins, sugar, iron, etc.

The best way to eat: raw food

Tip: Do not eat iced watermelon. Pregnant mothers with a history of diabetes should not eat watermelon. Eating watermelon with salt will make the sweetness more prominent, but it will also make potassium rich in water, so it is better not to put salt.

8, peach

The ancients believed that peaches had a life-threatening effect and they considered it a fairy drug. The main ingredient of peach is sucrose, which is a lot of pectin that is a component of fiber and is effective for diuretic or constipation. According to traditional Chinese medicine, peaches are hot and sweet, and they have replenishing, nourishing, stimulating, thirst-quenching, digestion, and intestines. They are effective for treating the lungs. They are suitable for hypoglycemia, lung disease, and irritability. Expectant mothers serve as an auxiliary diet.

Main supplements: protein, various sugars, multivitamins, malic acid, citric acid, etc.

The best way to eat: raw food

Tip: immature peaches can not eat, otherwise it will bloated or oysters; even mature peaches, can not eat too much, too much heat will cause heat; rotten peaches must not be eaten

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