Researchers clarify the material transport pathways of the immune system

Release date: 2012-11-22

An advanced transportation and sorting system that transports materials from one location to the destination, the body needs. Various receptors in cells and on cells recognize specific molecules, ensuring that immune cells are transported to the right place. One of these receptors is Sortilin. It is found in the central nervous system, liver and immune system cells. Recent research by Dr. Stefanie Herda confirms that the receptor Sortilin plays an important role in the function of the immune system, and related research papers are published in Immunity.
During the course of the disease, the entire body's immune system T cells go patrolling. If they encounter cells infected with a virus, they bind it and secrete substances to ensure that the target cells die. One of these substances is granzyme A, which penetrates infected cells and induces programmed cell death. In addition, immune cells secrete gamma-interferon, which induces a stronger immune response in surrounding cells.
Cytotoxic T cells, helper T cells, and natural killer cells produce gamma-interferon. It enhances the activity of immune cells and induces more of the body's other cells to present surface pathogen fragments, making it easier for T cells to find affected cells. In order to facilitate the transport of interferon-gamma produced inside the T cell to the cell membrane and release in the cell membrane, the cell uses its internal processing and transport system Golgi apparatus.
If you imagine the Golgi body as a post office, Sortilin's mission is to pack interferon-gamma and ship their destination. However, without Sortilin, interferon-gamma cannot be delivered and remains in the post office, which is in the Golgi apparatus. Correspondingly, there is only less interferon-gamma in the serum, ie extracellular. Therefore, the reduction of γ-interferon is not caused by a decrease in production, but by a decrease in transportation and eventually a decrease in destination.
Although the transport of γ-interferon is destroyed in the absence of Sortilin, the transport of granzyme A that directly destroys the diseased cells becomes more effective. Granzyme A uses other transport pathways that rely on complexes composed of multiple receptors. This complex molecule includes VAMP7.
Therefore, Sortilin affects two different transmission pathways of key immune effector molecules in the opposite way. Without Sortilin, only a small amount of γ-interferon was transported out into the blood, and the level of granzyme A. was increased, but the increase in granzyme A concentration could not compensate for the deficiency of interferon γ.

Source: Bio Valley

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