Refreshing lungs, let's clear your lungs

In our daily life, we will absorb a lot of dust, so we usually have to eat more fruit that is moistened with lungs. What are the fruits of lungs? Next, let's find out.

1, Apple

Apple has effects such as thirst, lungs and irritations, spleen and stomach, and intestines to relieve diarrhea. It can also prevent and eliminate fatigue. Eating more apples can effectively improve the function of the respiratory system and the lungs and relieve the discomfort caused by dry weather.

2. Citrus

Citrus has the functions of relieving cough, regulating lung, relieving phlegm, exhaling, diuresis, etc. It is suitable for frailty, fever, lack of body fluids, thirst, and thirst after drinking. Juicing or decoction is a good method to treat hyperactivity cough.


3, orange

Oranges are rich in vitamin B1, which is essential for keeping the nervous system healthy. In addition, the proper amount of oranges can also effectively increase the secretion of saliva, promote digestion, relieve cough, and protect lung health. Experts recommend eating 1-2 oranges a day.

4, lemon

Lemon contains various nutrients such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin C. In addition, it is rich in organic acids, citric acid, and highly alkaline. The high alkaline properties of lemon relieves cough, phlegm, spleen and spleen, effectively helping the lungs to detoxify.

5, carambola

Carambola contains a variety of ingredients that are beneficial to human health, such as sugar, vitamin A, vitamin C, and a variety of fiber and acid. The medicinal value of carambola is also great, and it has a good effect on the treatment of aphthous, chronic headaches, and bruises. The fiber and acid contained in it can resolve visceral heat, cleansing and intestines pass through the stool, and is the most suitable hot fruit for the lungs and stomach.

6, 荸荠

The boiled can be used for fruit consumption. It has the effects of heat-clearing, detoxification, cooling and detoxification. It can treat fever, dry mouth, dry throat, hyperactivity, cough, thick yellow and thick embolism, and lotus root juice. Drink better together.

7, figs

Fig nature is sweet, into the spleen, large intestine two classics, with the spleen and diarrhea, clearing of the intestines to eliminate heat, qi digestion, cough expectorant, Yifei through milk, swelling and detoxification effect, attending intestinal inflammation, dysentery, indigestion, Loss of appetite, constipation, jaundice, sore throat, swollen sores. When the lungs are hot and the voice is hoarse, taking figs with water and frying figs can play a role in detoxification.

8, pear

Pear is called "natural mineral water" because it is fresh and juicy, and it has functions such as Shengjin Runzao, pure heart and fire-fighting, detoxification and detoxification. It has a good moisturizing effect on the lungs, bronchus and upper respiratory tract. It also helps digestion and promotes appetite. Eating more pears in the fall can effectively relieve the skin itching, dry mouth and nose caused by Qiuzao.

9, 枇杷

Chinese medicine believes that phlegm is cool, there are lungs, lungs, lung function, treatment of children with summer fever, cough, sputum, or young and middle-aged tuberculosis cough, hemoptysis, can eat several raw quail per day, or use scallions 15 Jiantang , morning and evening hours service. It is not only beneficial to lungs, but it can also "run five internal organs." For elderly patients with chronic bronchitis, emphysema and other diseases that frequently occur in the winter, wolfberry is an effective dietetic product. Patients who insist on eating every day are able to nourish the lungs and kidneys, improve lung system function, and increase disease resistance.

What tea is good for the lungs

1, Yuzhu candy tea

Practice: Take 15 grams of Polygonatum, add appropriate amount of rock sugar, brewing with boiling water, cover and soak for about 15 minutes, and finally stir to drink.

Efficacy: Bing Tang Runfei, this tea has the effect of nourishing yin and reviving the lungs.

2, Adenophora jujube tea

Practice: Take 15 grams of Adenophora, jujube 5, with a proper amount of boiling water, cover and soak for 15 minutes.

Efficacy: Adenophora has the effects of clearing away heat and nourishing yin, moistening the lungs and relieving cough. It mainly treats bronchitis, whooping cough, hyperactivity and cough, and thick yellow sputum. This tea drinking ginseng with jujube has the effects of nourishing yin, producing fluid, and clearing the lungs and nourishing the lungs.

3. Mangosteen tea

Practice: Take 20 grams of Mangosteen, boiled with boiling water and drink for 15 minutes.

Efficacy: Mangosteen tea has many functions and functions, such as clearing away heat, moisturizing the lungs, relieving cough, relieving cough and phlegm, and has remarkable curative effect on obesity, diabetes, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, acute gastritis and asthma. . Smokers often drink Luo Han Guo tea, can achieve the purpose of clearing the lungs. After lunch, a pot of violet osmanthus and Qingfei tea is brewed, and the respiratory tract is conditioned to clean up the stomach. The whole person will have a lot of spirit.

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The Anti Rabies Vaccine For Human vaccine can prevent rabies. Rabies is a serious illness caused by a virus. The rabies virus is spread to humans through the bite or scratch of an infected animal. Dogs, bats, skunks, coyotes, raccoons, and foxes are examples of animals that can carry rabies. The rabies vaccine can protect you from infection if you are at high risk of exposure. The vaccine can also prevent infection after you are bitten by an infected animal.

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