Female summer health supplements nutrition

Summer is hot and humid, and female bodies are vulnerable to damp heat. At this time, women's health should be supplemented with nutrition, eat more fruits and so on. Of course, there are other considerations. The following Xiaobian teaches and teaches female friends to do summer health.

1, raise "heart"

Headaches, insomnia, irritability, restlessness... Many people feel uncomfortable in the summer. They want to make adjustments, but they are increasingly despondent and unhappy.

In TCM theory, human beings and the natural world are a unified whole, and the changes of the four seasons in the natural world correspond to the functional activities of the five organs of the human body. The heart corresponds to "summer". In the summer, Xinyang is the most prosperous and has the strongest function. When the temperature rises, people can easily become restless and angry. This is because the overheating has exacerbated people's nervousness and prolonged fire. At this time, people not only fluctuate in mood, but also have a lower immune function. If there is something wrong with living or eating, there will be various diseases.

Therefore, in the entire summer health care, we must pay special attention to the maintenance of the heart. Drink more milk, eat more soy products, chicken, lean meat, etc., both to add nutrition, but also to achieve a strong heart. Usually eat more vegetables, fruits and coarse grains, can increase the supply of cellulose, vitamin C and vitamin B family, but also play a role in preventing arteriosclerosis.

2, eat porridge nutrition

More dilute food is an important method of eating and dieting in summer. If you eat porridge when you eat in the morning and in the evening, and you drink soup at lunch, you can not only thirst, cool, relieve heat, but also nourish the body. When the porridge is added, some lotus leaves are added, and the taste is fragrant. The porridge has a bitter taste, and it can awaken the spleen and appetizers. It has the effect of relieving heat, maintaining the stomach and clearing the intestines and thirst. When porridge is added, add some mung bean or mung bean soup alone, there is the role of relieving summer heat and quenching thirst, clearing away heat and detoxifying, and promoting fluid and diuresis.

At the same time, pay attention to supplement some nutrients. Supplement plenty of vitamins, such as eating more fresh fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, green peppers, wax gourds, watermelons, bayberry, melons, peaches, plums, etc.; add water and inorganic salts, especially pay attention to potassium supplements, beans or soy products, mushrooms Fruits, vegetables, etc. are good sources of potassium; eat more heat and dampness foods such as watermelon, bitter gourd, peach, ebony, strawberry, tomato, cucumber, mung bean, etc. all have a good refreshing effect; Proteins such as fish, lean meat, eggs, milk, and beans are all the best high-quality proteins.

3, sleep

As summer dawns early, people get up early, and relatively late at night, it is easy to cause lack of sleep, so increase the lunch break. The highest temperature is between 13:00 and 3:00 in the summer, and people are prone to sweating. After lunch, blood supply to the digestive tract increases, and blood supply to the brain decreases. Therefore, people are always lethargic and lethargic at noon.

For office workers who can't take a lunch break at noon, they can listen to music or close their eyes for 30 to 50 minutes at noon. The siesta time varies from person to person, but it is usually appropriate to use half an hour to one hour. For too long time, people feel no spirit. Don't be greedy when you're sleeping, avoid sleeping at the mouth of the wind to prevent it from falling cold and getting sick.

4, replenishment

As the temperature of the weather rose, sweating was more and more water was lost in the body. Eat more fruits can not only add water, but also is the first choice for refreshing and supplementing body nutrients.

According to Chinese medicine, people's physique has the distinction of coldness, heat, deficiency, and reality, and fruit is also the difference between sexual taste and coldness. Those who have a bad stomach, it is best to choose "mild" fruit, not too sweet, not too sour. Deficiency and cold stomach, stomach ulcer patients, it is best to eat less watermelon, melon and other cold foods. Some people eat it feels itchy skin, because mango skin has a histamine component, it is easy to cause allergies. Therefore, there should be some choice before eating fruit, otherwise it will cause physical discomfort.

Puffed Corn Flour

Puffed corn flour is a type of flour made from corn that has been puffed or expanded through a process of heat and pressure. The process involves heating the corn kernels until they become soft and moist, and then rapidly releasing the pressure, causing the kernels to puff up. The puffed corn is then ground into a fine flour that can be used in a variety of recipes. Puffed corn flour is often used as a gluten-free alternative to wheat flour in baking and cooking, and is also used in snack foods such as popcorn and corn chips. It is high in fiber and protein, and has a light, airy texture that makes it ideal for use in baked goods.

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