Poor fertilizer effect should be found

When they went to the countryside, they often heard farmers reflect that each year's chemical fertilizers are not insignificant, and they are all brand-name products. They are always less effective than others and do not know how to increase the effect of fertilizer application. Analysis, may wish to find the reasons from the following aspects. Farmers who do not look at the thickness and fertilization of the soil do not look at the thickness and properties of the soil and fertilize the soil, which affects the effectiveness of the fertilizer. Fertilizer can not be used blindly. It should be applied by soil. For example, if nitrogen fertilizer is applied in the fertilizer field, the economic benefit is not high, and even there are side effects, if it is applied to low-yielding fields, the yield increase effect is 2-3 times higher than that applied to the fertilizer field. Phosphorus fertilizer is applied in soils deficient in phosphorus. The yield is about three times higher than in the soil without phosphorus deficiency. Therefore, we must do it according to local conditions and fertilize soil. In addition, there is a difference in soil texture. Sandy soils should be treated with organic fertilizers such as soil-fertilizers, straws, etc. to gradually improve the soil structure; cohesive soils generally have poor permeability and slow fertilizer efficiency. Therefore, the application of organic fertilizer must be fully cooked after application, topdressing fertilizer should be earlier, and should "eat more and less." Late use of excessive nitrogen fertilizers, etc.; loam texture is good, suitable for all types of crop growth, generally according to output requirements and crop growth, appropriate timely fertilization. Fertilizer should be combined with long-acting fertilizer and short-acting fertilizer, and organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer should be used in combination to fertilize the soil and combine with fertilizer. Farmers who do not look at the weather and fertilize do not look at the weather, which will reduce the fertilizer effect. In the low temperature season, the fertilization time should be appropriately advanced. When the organic fertilizer is used as the base fertilizer, it should be fully cooked and decomposed; the high-temperature weather fertilizer should be deepened to prevent the fertilizer from dispersing and burning. The soil is too wet, the chemical fertilizer should be applied shallowly, and the soil should be deeper than the dry soil. When the drought is low, the soil moisture content is low. After the chemical fertilizer is applied, the crop is difficult to absorb and use. It should be combined with irrigation or drizzle rain to fertilize; do not apply fertilizer before heavy rain or heavy rain to prevent fertilizer loss and leakage loss. Regardless of the type of crops, some farmers do not look at the fixed varieties of crops, in fact, scientific methods of fertilization are root and tuber crops should be based on phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, with nitrogen fertilizer; leafy crops should be more nitrogen fertilizer, with appropriate application of phosphate fertilizer; Rice, corn, wheat and other grass crops require more nitrogen, and should be dominated by nitrogen fertilizer, combined with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers; while sugar cane, hemp, potato crops need nitrogen fertilizer, but also need potassium fertilizer, potassium fertilizer should be added; The leguminous crops have rhizobia, have the ability to fix nitrogen in the air, and have less demand for nitrogen, so the main application of phosphate fertilizers. Regardless of the difference in fertilization, some farmers use no matter what the mouthwash is. If there is any manure, it will only be applied fertilizer or only a single chemical fertilizer. The scientific method of fertilization is: For cold sorghum, such as sweet potatoes, rice, cabbage, radish, they need to spend the winter and spring cold season, they should apply more sheep, donkeys and other hot fertilizers; Former crops are wheat, potatoes and other gargles. They have sufficient time for leisure and sunburning. They should apply more cold-fertilizers such as pigs and cow dung that contain more moisture; soft palate, such as peanuts and soybean pods, have loose soil and remain nitrogen fertilizer. More, more phosphorus and potash fertilizers should be applied. For hard waxy rice, such as corn, sorghum and cottonseed, soil should be hardened and organic fertilizer should be applied. Do not look at the crop growth The various growth stages of fertilization crops have different physiological characteristics, and the absorption and absorption time of fertilizers are different. In the development stages of roots, stems and leaves, generally more nitrogen fertilizer is needed. For example, early rice has a short growing season, and the peak of nitrogen uptake appears in the period from greening to tillering after transplanting (15-20 days). Therefore, it is necessary to reapply manure, stable panicle fertilizer and grain fertilizer. The early growth of hemp crops is fast. The growth of plants and the formation of fibroblasts are almost simultaneously. Therefore, in addition to satisfying the requirement of nitrogen fertilizer, potassium fertilizer must be applied at the same time to meet the demand for nutrients. Farmers who are not fertilized with fertilizers do not know what kind of fertilizer should be applied to what fields and crops. The scientific fertilization method is: Fertilizers with relatively stable chemical properties, such as urea, diammonium phosphate, superphosphate, etc., should be used as base fertilizer or seed fertilizer, or applied to the root layer in advance; chemically unstable and volatile fertilizers Such as ammonia, ammonium phosphate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and other fertilizers, should be deep-sealed seal soil to reduce nutrient losses; individual crops or fields require special fertilizers, such as paddy fields should not be applied nitrate-nitrogen, sweet potatoes, potatoes, tobacco and other crops Avoid chlorine, and it is not appropriate to use ammonium chloride, potassium chloride and other chlorine-containing fertilizers.

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