Top Ten Basis for Corn Seed Purchase

With the liberalization of the seed market, there are many types of corn hybrids, and a large number of counterfeit seeds are appearing in the market. The peasants and the masses are in no position to purchase, and the phenomena of peasants and farmers are frequent. In fact, when you purchase a plant, you have the following ten principles and principles to help you purchase the corn seeds correctly.

1. To buy grain bright color, seed size and shape of the same seed.

2. The seed to be treated with the coating agent can be selected, so that the prevention and control of pests after sowing can be saved, and the seedlings can be neat and tidy.

3. The timely update of hybrids is one of the main measures to increase corn production. In the production, the hybrids with longer planting time are often caused by weak hybridization and low yield due to the low breeding level and the degradation of the purity of the parents. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a new variety that has been approved recently.

4. The plots that plan to grow tobacco after tobacco may choose hybrids with short growth period and strong resistance. Such as Zhongdan 808, Zhongnong 236 and other varieties.

5. According to the current needs of the feed and industrial processing market, it is possible to concentrate the cultivation of dominant corn hybrids, such as high lysine and high oil corn, such as Jiyou No. 1 and Siyou No. 3. You can also choose some new high-quality protein corn varieties: such as Yunyou 167 and Yayu 27, Hongdan 6 and so on, whose economic benefits are higher than those of ordinary corn hybrids.

6. According to the law of high-yield culture, in order to obtain high yield of corn, in addition to increasing the input of water and fertilizer, it is necessary to properly grasp the seeding rate of corn seeds. Generally, hybrids should be about 1.5 kilograms per mu in order to ensure the density and achieve the requirements of uniform seedlings and seedlings. .

7. When purchasing seeds, carefully read the description of the variety so as to accurately grasp the characteristics of the varieties and adapt them to local conditions to ensure high yields.

8. When purchasing seed, it is necessary to request and properly store the seed retail paper so that when there is a problem with the seed, it will be able to report back the loss to the selling unit and obtain compensation.

9. The current corn seed market is complex and complicated. To buy a variety of regular seed companies, it is absolutely impossible to buy and sell any packaging that is not packaged in order to ensure seed quality.

10. After the seeds are purchased, they should be properly stored and they should be regularly exposed to sunlight to prevent the seeds from becoming moldy and insects, and to increase the seed germination rate.

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