Melon wilt disease control measures

Fusarium wilt of melons, also known as vine melon, is one of the main diseases of melons.
1. Symptoms mainly affect the rhizomes, and both the seedling stage and the adult stage can be affected. In the event of disease at the seedling stage, symptoms similar to those of cataplexy are present. After the seedlings are unearthed, the cotyledon is wilted, the true leaves turn green and yellow, and the young stems rot leaving only filamentous fibers to die.
In the adult stage, the incidence of disease is mostly after cucurbits. Fusarium plants usually show poor growth, dwarfing plants, small leaves, dark green color, and chlorosis and dryness from bottom to top. Afterwards, the entire plant or local melon wilts during the day. Recovery sooner or later, withered and died after 5-6d. The culprit shows that the diseased tissue is brown, sometimes the roots show ulcers, and when the skin is wet, white mycelium and pink molds appear on the surface of the disease.
2. Prevention and treatment methods 1 rounds to avoid continuous cropping, generally at least once every 3-4 years. It is also possible to implement crop rotations to reduce field bacteria.
2 Seeds can be soaked in warm water of 55°C for 10 minutes before sowing, or soaked for 1 hour with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500-fold dilution, washed, and then germinated.
3 to strengthen the cultivation and management to promote sorghum film cultivation, control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizers and trace elements.
4 Soil treatment In severely diseased plots, especially in protected areas, it can be carried out during the slack season.
5 Soilless cultivation or breeding of nutrients or disease-free seedlings Soilless cultivation is an effective measure to prevent the occurrence of blight and other soil-borne diseases. Nutrient seedlings or disease-free new soil seedlings can improve the host disease resistance and at the same time reduce the roots. Wounds can be widely promoted in areas where conditions permit.
6 Chemical control When the initial symptoms of individual diseases are found, 60% thiophanate-methyl 1000-fold dilution or 50% carbendazim 800-fold discharge can be used to irrigate roots, each strain 150-200mL, which can prevent bacteria from infecting melon roots. And inhibit the growth of bacteria in vascular bundles. When sensation is great, after irrigating the roots, it is necessary to strengthen the cultivating and protecting the ridge, control the irrigation, and improve the ventilation of the soil so as to fully exert the efficacy.

Intelligent Face Recognition Locks

Hello~Face recognition is a kind of biometric identification technology based on facial feature information. Using a camera or camera to collect images or video streams containing faces, and automatically detect and track faces in the image, and then carry out face recognition on the detected face of a series of related technologies, usually called portrait recognition, face recognition.
Face recognition system mainly consists of four parts, which are: face image acquisition and detection, face image pretreatment, face image feature extraction and matching and recognition.
Face recognition is mainly used for identity recognition. Due to the rapid popularization of video surveillance, many video surveillance applications urgently need a kind of fast identification technology under the condition of long distance and users' uncooperation, in order to quickly confirm the identity of people from long distance and realize intelligent early warning. Face recognition technology is undoubtedly the best choice. Using fast face detection technology, we can find the face from the surveillance video image in real time, and compare it with the face database in real time, so as to achieve fast identity recognition.

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