Medicinal value of Commelina communis

Medicinal value

Performance: sweet, slightly bitter, cold. Can heat, detoxify, diuretic.

For swelling and diuretic, detoxification of good medicine, in addition to sty, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, cervical erosion, abdominal snake bite has a good effect.

Pharmacological effects: The flooding agent or decoction of the stems and leaves of the same plant can excitate the uterus, shrink blood vessels, and shorten the clotting time.


Water, heat, cooling, detoxification. Treatment of edema, beriberi, urination, colds, erysipelas, mumps, jaundice hepatitis, enthusiasm, malaria, epistaxis, hematuria, blood fallout, vaginal discharge, sore throat, acne.

1 "Herbal Supplements": The main cold fever malaria, phlegm drinking, Ding swollen, astringent meat stagnation, pediatric erysipelas, fever, epilepsy, full belly full body, emphysema, enthusiasm, snake bites, fleas and other poisons.

2 "Japan Hanako Materia Medica": yakgrass and Chixiaodou boiled, water gas phlegm, Lee urine.

3 "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica": Nourishing qi and blood, treatment of woman leucorrhea, red collapse, new blood, only hematuria, epistaxis, blood shower.

4 "The essence of product exchanges": to go hot poison, eliminate scorpion. [6] yarrow grass 5 "Outline": eliminate throat. [6] 6 "Ben Cao Chen Chen": The acute infection of schistosomiasis fever, a large number of them. Also used for acute infectious fever, fever, dizziness, heart failure. [6]7 "Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Journal": It can clear away heat and diuresis and moisten the lungs. Treatment of bruises, bone pain, urine dripping pain. [6] 8 Guangzhou Forces "common Chinese herbal medicine manual": treatment of cardiac edema, athlete's foot edema, nephritis edema, urinary tract infections and stones.

Hand Massager

Hand massager

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