Key Techniques for Egg Broilers in Autumn Brooding

1. Preparation before brooding 2 weeks before the brooding, the broiler room should be cleaned. The brooding room and all application equipment (including the inspection of hydroelectric facilities, brooding facilities) should be prepared and thoroughly cleaned, and then formaldehyde and high should be used. Potassium manganate is strictly fumigated and sterilized. First close the doors and windows to 25 ml per cubic meter of formaldehyde, potassium permanganate 12,5 g fumigation, fumigation 48 hours, open the doors and windows for ventilation, after which the appliances should be washed with 3% fire alkali water and clean standby. The time interval after disinfection should not be less than 1 week. The conditions can be used to spray disinfection such as 3% fire alkali solution or 8% to 5% of Lysol.

Second, the relative temperature and humidity of the coop is the first factor that stimulates the growth of the chicks. It is critical to the growth and development of the chicks. In particular, chicks have the greatest impact before the age of 10 days. The temperature regulation of the chicks is not perfect, and the body temperature is about 39°C. Sensitive to cold and heat stimuli. If the temperature is too low, you will scream and get together. If you do not adjust the proper temperature in time, you may suffocate and die. When the temperature is too high, the chicks will not be able to find food. When you look around, you will need to speed up the cooling; when the temperature is appropriate, the chicks will automatically Spread out, whispered for food. The optimum temperature is set according to the environmental conditions of your own brooding house, and the temperature is adjusted by looking at the dispersion of the chicks. After the first week, the temperature can be reduced by 2°C per week until it reaches room temperature. The broiler house is easy to dry in the early stage of brooding due to the heat source. If the brooding room is too dry, the water consumption of the chicks will be too high and the protein will not be absorbed well. It will make chickens drink plenty of water and affect normal digestion. After 10 days, the humidity can be gradually reduced to prevent the growth of mold and coccidia. Ventilation should be adjusted in time.

Third, drink and feeding chicks after transportation. Environmental stimulation, easy to dehydration. After entering the baby, drink water first and then eat. The interval between the two is 4-5 hours. Drinking water should be taken within 48 hours after hatching during the rearing period. Therefore, after entering the house, you should drink after drinking. Drinking water can be started by artificial means, so that the chicks can drink water, the water supply should be made into 5% glucose, add enough vitamins and trace elements suitable for chick growth and antibiotics to prevent bacterial infection, improve brooding survival rate. A few days before the best drink about 30 °C warm water, on the one hand to supplement the water consumption in transport, on the other hand to promote the removal of meconium, to prevent the occurrence of intestinal discomfort diarrhea, and later gradually replaced with fresh cold water. After 48 hours of hatching, the chicks are supplied with energy from the yolk, and they should start feeding within 60 hours as soon as possible. Early feeding is beneficial to immunity, survival and growth. The material was sprinkled on dark plastic cloth to induce chickens to feed. Feeding 6 to 8 times a day was used to select the opening material with comprehensive nutrition, balanced ratio, good palatability, and high digestibility conversion rate. Twenty days later, high-protein, high-energy broiler chicks can be fed.

Fourth, reasonable lighting to develop a correct lighting system is to ensure the growth and development of egg chickens, make it mature at the right time. The light is too strong and prone to fighting and squatting. It is too weak to affect the intake of food and drinking, and it does not provide a stimulating effect. The intensity of light in the room reflects the water and induces chickens to drink. During the first 3 days of the brooding day and night lighting, 60-100 watt bulbs can be used in the early days, and daylight is reduced by 1 hour every day after 3 days of age. The light intensity is gradually weakened from the initial 10-20 lux to 5 lux (light bulbs can use 25-40 watts). The criterion is to make the chicks have better food intake. The breeding density is 1 to 3 weeks old and 50 to 60, and 4 to 6 weeks old is appropriate for 30 to 40 per square meter.

V. Ventilation in summer and autumn brooding is essential Vital ventilation can make the air inside the house fresh, but also can dilute and discharge harmful gases such as ammonia, pathogenic bacteria and excess water. Poor ventilation can hinder the development of the chicks and can also cause respiratory diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain good ventilation: In the brooding room, people often close their doors for keeping warm, which can easily lead to poor ventilation. A few days after entering the house, the amount of breathing of the chicks increases, plus the heat source, and there is a certain temperature difference between the periphery of the brooders and the outside temperature, and it is necessary to increase the ventilation. Brooding ventilation is directly related to the growth of chickens is good or bad, should pay attention to the timing of ventilation, should not let the cold wind blow the chicken body.

6. Develop appropriate immunization procedures and reasonable management measures. Before entering the chicks, do a detailed understanding of the chicken farm's epidemic situation and management status, and work out the chickens based on actual conditions, seasons, and the external environment and species characteristics. Immunization plan (immunization programs in various places are not exactly the same, and the analysis is usually not based on local immunization programs). Establishing a strict feeding and management system can increase economic income and reduce the spread of diseases. Such as special management, regular disinfection and clean up the environment, according to the provisions of the immune prevention, reduce the stress stimuli on chickens, feeding nutritious feed.

Comprehensive analysis of the above points, to achieve the desired rate of egg production, must be a good brooding, and effectively formulate a set of feeding and management systems suitable for the actual situation of the field, lay the foundation for the breeding of laying hens.


The main component of this preparation is human immunoglobulin, which is prepared by cold ethanol fractionation of human plasma from healthy donors. The manufacturing process contains a step to remove anticomplementary activity and a dual viral inactivation process. It contains a suitable amount of glucose or maltose as stabilizer (see table below), but does not contain any antiseptic or antibiotic. The distribution of IgG subclasses is close to the serum level of normal subjects and maintains the bioactivity of Fc fragment of IgG.


1. Primary agammaglobulinemia, such as X-linked hypogammaglobulinemia, common variant immunodeficiency diseases, immunoglobulin G subclass deficiency, etc.

2. Secondary immunoglobulin deficiency diseases, such as severe infection, septicemia of newborn, etc

3. Autoimmune diseases, such as primary thrombocytopenic purpura, Kawasaki disease

Intravenous Injection Of Human Immunoglobulin

Intravenous Injection Of Human Immunoglobulin,Intravenous Immunoglobulin,High-Quality Effective Intravenous Immunoglobulin,Human Immunoglobulin For Intravenous Injection

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