Nutrient-free grape cultivation technology

1 Fertilization and planting gardens are used as base fertilizers by applying 50kg of fertilizer (chicken and duck quality manure) and 0.5kg of superphosphate into the tank.
In early March, the seedlings to be planted were removed, and the roots were soaked with a solution of thiophanate-methyl 800-fold + 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate + ABT rooting powder. When 5-6 pieces of leaves were planted, the first top dressing was performed with 10% diluted fecal water + 0.3% urea solution. A topdressing nitrogen fertilizer is applied every 15-20 days before the end of June.
In mid-July, the composted manure excrement 2kg + compound fertilizer 0.05kg. In early August, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.1kg was applied. In mid-October, the slotting point was applied with 2 kg of cake fertilizer and 0.15 kg of phosphorus fertilizer as base fertilizer. From the spring of the second year to the end of June, nitrogen and phosphorus are the main topdressing types.
After July, phosphorus and potassium are the main components. Slightly more than the previous year, so thin fertilization facilities. In late October, excavation plants applied 40kg of high-quality livestock manure, 0.25kg of superphosphate, and 20g of borax to lay the foundation for the third year of high yield.
The fertilization principle for 3-4 years of putting into production of trees: early application of precipitating fertilizer, re-application of strong fruit to promote shoot fertilizer, skillful application of color fertilizer, and immediate application of Yang Fei.
In late February to early March, strains of 15 tons of human fecal urine were used. One week after Xiehua, the plant composted human urine 20kg + sulfur compound fertilizer 0.15kg. During the fruit coloring period, 1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate 10kg was used to dig the roots. Immediately after fruit picking, the roots were fed once with 20% human urine + 0.5% urea solution. 10kg per plant.
In late October, the trough strain applied 50 kg of high-quality fertilizer, 0.4 kg of superphosphate, 0.4 kg of bone meal and 25 g of borax as base fertilizer. Combine the pest prevention and control to spray fertilizer once every half a month, spread leaves to spray 0.3% urea + 0.1% borax before flowering, spray 0.2% urea + 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate during the fruit expansion period, and the fruits begin to color in the leaves. Spray 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate beforehand.
2 Moisture management Seedlings are planted in deep trenches. The "gutter", "gutter" and "gutter" in the garden communicate smoothly. The leaves should be promptly filled with water when they are exposed to drought and fertilization during fruit expansion and fruit expansion. The fruit color protection period under the tree protection line for mulching.
3 Sprigs Manage Winter Shear: In the first year, each plant was short-cut at 60 cm on one of the cultivated vines. In the second year, each plot was scalloped with 3 main vines and 6-8 side branches. In the 3rd to 4th years, the pruning of the medium and short shoots is dominant One-year-old strong branches are short at about 50cm, the mean tree branches are short at 30cm, and the weak branches are left 2-3buds, heavy-sheared and rejuvenated. At the same time sparse pests, branches, and overlapping branches.
Summer cut: After sprouting, leave a strong bud for double buds and buds. When the new shoots have 7-8 leaves, they can be tied and picked in time. Afterwards, the secondary shoots sent out leave 2-3 leaves to pick up the heart repeatedly. When the new shoot grows to be able to distinguish flower spikes, the dense shoots are removed again, leaving 15 shoots per square meter, sparse flower spikes, 2 shoots for the majestic shoots, 1 ear for the golden meandering branches, and weak branches without spikes. . 7 to 15 days before flowering, the panicles and spikes of all panicles were cut 1/5.
4 Application of Plant Growth Regulators Spikes were spiked with 5010-6 9200+1010-6BA at the flowering stage. After 10 days of Xiehua, the ear was soaked with 5010-6, 9200+1010-6KT-30. During the fruit coloring period (5% fruit coloration), the ear spray was sprayed with 200-fold solution of 1010-6KT-30+ glucose-enriched color solution (produced by Lanyue Company, Sichuan Province). The above treatment can increase the weight of the fruit more than twice, increase the maturity of 5-7 days, the fruit color is gorgeous, the quality is not reduced, and there is no hard stem, threshing phenomenon.
5 Pest control After winter defoliation, spray the Baume 4-5 degrees lime sulfur + 1% sodium pentachlorophenol to the plants, frame, wire and ground. In the spring budding ball stage, once again, Baume 1-2 degrees lime sulfur + 0.3% sodium pentachlorophenol. After the leaf is sprayed, spray 1:0.5:250 Bordeaux mixture + 90% crystal trichlorfon 1000 times. Threading buds to flowering before spraying twice with Sulfamethoxone 800 times solution + Chlorothalonil 500 times solution + Organic phosphorus insecticide 1500-2000 times solution + 0.2% urea + 0.1% borax, control gray mold Diseases, blackpox, and moths such as insects.
After Xiehua until the fruit matures, the fungicide is selected from 600 pairs of Fumei and 600 times from charcoal, and the pesticide is selected from 1500-2000 times of organic phosphorus pesticides and 2000-2500 times of pyrethroid pesticides. Insecticides and fungicides are each selected for a mixed rotation. After picking the fruit, use mancozeb 500 times solution, thiophanate-methyl 800 times solution, insecticide 1500-2000 solution, and 1:0.5:180 Bordeaux mixture + crystal dipterex 1000 times alternately. -3 times. Every spray should be done after the rain is fine.

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