How to choose Lark

The birds of the lark are mostly simple in feathers, singers and imitations. The birds of Lark, Scarlett, Horned Braun, and Crested Lark are cage-raised birds that are widely loved by people. The common raise is skylark (commonly known as Yunyan, Yulinyan, called Tianzi), both in the north and the south of China. Feeding. Songling is only kept in the south; Sandlaring and Crested Lark are more common in North China. But the most famous is the Braun, which has a large body and beautiful feathers. It calls out loud and imitative.

All birds in the larks need to be raised from young birds. Adult birds are difficult to tame and teach. The selection of males from young birds is difficult and requires careful observation and comprehensive judgment. Such as Braun, in the first period of young feathers can choose to thick mouth, slightly hooked tip, deep mouth cracks, large heads and heads wide, large eyes, eye corners, scaly large wings and clear, called the tip of the sound. The second period of young feathers has been approximated as a bird. It is important to select birds with a black chest on top, a well-developed spot, a bright-colored head and body, a clear marking, and a long, straight claw.

The difference between wild brazing and domestic lark is that the adult bravery captured in the wild is slightly darker, feathers often wear to varying degrees, pink toes, and claws yellow. Wild Braun is scared and scared, often slamming suddenly; domesticated brazing is more serene, and even if he is surprised, he does not desperately hit the cage. Be careful when buying.

The choice of character is generally considered to be short in the foot (crotch), with the toes slightly bent inward, round in body, and easy to be familiar with the tail; the tall, slender "sex" is difficult to adjust.

When choosing Braun, besides paying attention to the choice of a male, it depends on its mental state and constitution. Whether it is a mane (group hair), touch the thickness of the chest muscles by hand to see if it is "losing", whether the anus is contaminated, and whether the tail glands are intact.

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