Feed made breakthroughs with enzyme technology

Yao Bin, researcher at the Institute of Feed Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and his research team have made breakthroughs in the molecular biology, genetic engineering research, and industrial development of feed enzymes, enabling basic research and industrial applications of feed enzymes in China to be implemented from nothing. Some leapfrog development.

In the middle and late 1990s, China had become the second largest feed producer in the world, but the research level of feed additives, especially feed enzyme preparations, was far from the western developed countries. Feed enzyme preparations can not only reduce the use of antibiotics and other chemical additives in feed, provide safer, higher-quality animal products, but also significantly reduce the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and other organic substances in animal excrement and reduce environmental pollution. At the same time, enzyme preparations can also increase feed utilization and expand new feed resources. At that time, the domestic enzyme preparation market was mainly occupied by foreign companies.

Through 20 years of continuous research, the team has established a relatively complete basic platform for enzyme research and product development technology for feed, and has achieved a number of scientific research achievements. Taking phytase as an example, the current domestic market price of phytase is 24 times lower than that of foreign companies entering China in 1995, and the added cost has dropped by nearly 70 times. Phytase products produced using this unit technology have occupied domestic plants. Over 90% of the market share of acid enzymes, foreign products basically exit the Chinese market. In addition, the application of phytase can reduce the feed of calcium hydrogen phosphate 5-7 kg / ton, after deducting the cost of enzyme preparation, can reduce the cost of feed 12 yuan / ton, the wide application of the product can save raw materials per year calcium hydrogen phosphate More than 200,000 tons, saving feed costs about 900 million yuan. It can also reduce the phosphorus discharge in animal feces by 40%, and cumulatively reduce phosphorus by 4 million tons. The application of enzymes can greatly improve the utilization rate of feed, and reduce the displacement of organic matter such as carbon and nitrogen in animal manure by more than 5 million tons. We have achieved "win-win" economic, social, and ecological benefits.

Double Packed Mottled Waxy Corn

Eating more corn can increase the brightness of our eyes. Because corn is rich in substances such as carotenoids and these can be said to be used as ingredients for brightening the eyes, eating a proper amount of corn can help to slow down the loss of our eyesight.

And corn is rich in nutrients, with protein, body fat, tapioca starch, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin E, carotene, methyl cellulose and calcium, phosphorus and iron. According to research, fresh corn contains 4-5 times more body fat than rice and flour, and contains unsaturated fat, of which 50% are fatty acids, which inhibit the digestion and absorption of cholesterol. It is an excellent medicine for long-term use to reduce blood cholesterol and soften blood vessels, making it an ideal vegetable oil for patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease, obesity and the elderly.


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