Feed chickens with green feed

Green fodder is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins, and it has a good effect on the growth and development of chickens. However, when using green fodder to feed chickens, the following issues must be addressed:

1. Control the proportion. The fresh green feed has good palatability and the chicken loves to eat, but due to the large amount of water, it is not appropriate to feed more. It must be fed together with other feeds, and the ratio should not be too high, otherwise it may cause diarrhea or enteritis. In general, green feed should account for 15% to 20% of the diet of chicks, accounting for 20% to 30% of the diet of chickens; leaf green feed, crude fiber content, addition amount of about 10% of the diet is appropriate . In the green season or large-scale chicken farms, it is also possible to use hay powder or leaf meal instead of green feed to feed chickens. The proportion of hay powder in the diet accounts for 5% to 10%, and leaf meal accounts for 5% to 8%.

2. Reasonable modulation. Most green feeds can be used directly to feed chickens, but they are prone to waste. Feeding them by smashing them individually or by mixing in feeds makes them easier to feed and has a higher utilization rate. In particular, the roots and melons feed should be crushed and fed, if necessary, cooked and then fed. Aquatic plants such as water lilies and water hyacinths, which often contain some parasite eggs or larvae, must be cooked before feeding.

3. Keep clean. Wash before feeding, remove soil and other dirt, and remove spoilage feed to prevent poisoning. The green feed has a high acidity and can be mixed with about 2% of shell powder when feeding chicken to neutralize acidity. Improper feeding caused chicken diarrhea or enteritis and other diseases, should immediately stop feeding or limited feeding, and in the diet by adding 0.2% to 0.4% oxytetracycline for treatment, until the chicken returned to normal and then fed in the normal proportion.

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WEIHAI ACCELERATE BIOTECHNOLOGY CO, LTD , https://www.accelerfig.com