Variety of vegetables planted in the winter field in the southern rice area

In the southern rice region, high soil organic matter content, soil cleanliness, and moisture and other environmental conditions are good. To fully utilize the advantages of farmland natural resources in the southern rice region and promote the adjustment of industrial structure, it is nowadays applicable to the winter demonstration of demonstration sites in the southern rice region suitable for rice cultivation. Field planted vegetables are introduced for everyone's reference.
1. Solanum oleracea and melon cultivars cultivated late-season rice plants and melon vegetables after harvesting. The model first began in Dili Village, Linpu Town, Inner Mongolia, with an average output value of 5,000 yuan per mu, and a maximum mu production value of over 10,000 yuan. Solanum mainly eggplant, tomato, pepper, sown in October-November; melons are mainly cucumber, long melon, pumpkin, watermelon, sowing in mid-January, are used nutrition seedlings or plug seedlings. Seedling period is mainly to do a good job of temperature and humidity management, antifreeze and warmth, ventilation and light work. The temperature is mainly three highs and three lows: the temperature after sowing is controlled at 25~30°C, and the temperature after emergence is controlled at 20~25°C. The height of the control is maintained at 25~28°C after forging, and the seedlings are regenerated. Post-cooling control at 20 ~ 25 °C, anti-adult; post-transplant insulation control at 23 ~ 26 °C to promote the return of seedlings, after the survival of the appropriate temperature control at 18 ~ 25 °C anti-growth. According to different facilities, the transplanting began in early February. Before transplanting, 10 to 15 days before transplanting, the decomposed organic manure was used for 2000-4000 kg or 100-200 kg of cake fertilizer or 150-200 kg of bio-organic compound fertilizer and 40 kg of ternary compound fertilizer. . 10-15 days before transplanting, select the sunny shelter film and close the greenhouse. When the temperature in the shed rises to 10-12°C, select sunny weather for transplanting. It should be properly planted according to different species. Chrysanthemum per annum planted 4000~4500 strains, eggplant 1800~2000 strains, tomato 1800~3000 strains, long melon 2000 strains, cucumber 2200~2400 strains, zucchini 2500~2800 strains, and melon melons 500~1000 strains, April to 7 Harvested on month,
2. Brassica juncea should be raised in the middle and late September, and late rice should be transplanted after harvest. The seedling age should be 30 to 40 days. The mustard seed is small, and the seedbed must be finely sorted. The sowing rate per acre seedbed is 0.5 kg and 20 mu can be planted. The base fertilizer should be applied before sowing, cover soil 0.5 to 1 cm after sowing, and be covered with shade net moisturizing. Watering should be paid attention to in the morning and evening before emergence, and the shade net can be removed after emergence. Seedlings grow to 2 to 3 true leaves when the start seedlings, seedlings from the 5 cm square, and the maturity of the thin human fecal urine, in the seedling height 12 ~ 15 cm, 5 to 6 true leaves when transplanted.
Before transplanting, Daejeo Mushi applied about 2,500 kilograms of animal manure and earth miscellaneous fertilizers, combined with site preparation, deep-turning into the soil, and leveling and boring. Even the ditch was 1.3 meters wide, and each line was three lines. According to different varieties, the general spacing was 23~28. In centimeters, plant 5500-6700 plants per acre. Mustard is a kind of fertilizer-resistant vegetable, which requires a large amount of fertilizer. It should always be followed by quick-approachable fertilizer. It should be light in the early stage, thicker in the later stage, and combined with irrigation. When the mustard enters a vigorous growth stage, fertilize the water to promote it. Lateral buds grow and stems are sown. 20-30 days after planting should be combined with fertilization for cultivator.
The main diseases of mustard are soft rot, downy mildew, and anthrax. Soft rot disease at the beginning of the disease with agricultural streptomycin 4000 times watering roots or can be used to kill 500 times spray; downy mildew with 800 times DuPont Kelu or 1000 times metalaxyl spray control; anthrax with citric acid Bujin 1000 times spray control. Insect pests mainly include aphids, which can be sprayed with 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 1500-2000 times or 10% gold century wettable powder 1500 times spray.
The leaf mustard leaves in the late March branching with the main branch leaves, that is harvested at the beginning of the regrowth; large leaf mustard to stripping the harvest, when the 5 to 6 leaves full long, the edge of the leaves when the yellow harvest, each harvest 2 ~3 pieces, stripping and harvesting once in about 15 days. About 5000 kg per mu.
3, mustard mustard at the end of September early October, staged batch sowing, premature sowing due to high temperatures, heavy virus, too late sowing is short before winter growth, tumor stem small, low yield. The main varieties are Chaofeng No.1, Yushing No.1, and Shangyu Diantou.
Before planting, sufficient basal fertilizer should be applied to seedlings, and soil treatment should be carried out with 1000-fold of 50% phoxim or 2-3 kg of soil per acre net in order to eliminate underground pests. After sowing, the seeds were covered with fine soil. Before sprouting, the plants were sprayed with 60% butachlor 100 ml or acetochlor 50-70 ml and other herbicides, and covered with shade nets or other sun-shading materials, which were promptly opened after emergence. , Timely deletion of seedlings, to go to miscellaneous, to diseased plants, generally 2-3 times. Each time after the seedlings combine watering and timely application of thin fertilizer.
In the first half month of transplanting, the combination of deep-turning Mushi organic fertilizer was 2000-2,500 kg, compound fertilizer was 50 kg, and the turtle face was turned into a turtle shape, with a ditch of about 1.5 meters. Seedling age 30-40 days, 4 to 5 leaves when transplanted, generally transplanted in mid-November November, no later than November 25th, small row spacing 24 cm, 15 cm spacing, 5 plants per mu, mu About 15,000 strains are planted.
After transplanting, the seedlings should be applied in a timely manner. Generally, 4 to 5 kg of urea and 1,000 kg of water should be poured per mu. After the seedlings, use 60% butachlor emulsion in 100-125 ml of water and 50-60 kg of water to spray dry grass or apply acetochlor 50-75 ml of water and 50-60 kg of water to prevent weeds. Fertilizer can be divided into 4 times or so. In early December, according to the mustard, Mushi 10-15 kilograms of urea will be applied. In mid-January, it will be applied in 10 kilos of urea and 30 kg of phosphate fertilizer. In the early spring of February, a large fertilizer will be applied after the spring starts. Application of urea 20 to 30 kilograms; in early March the tumor stem enlargement period and then apply a heavy fertilizer, apply 25 to 25 kilograms of urea per acre plus potash 5 to 10 kilograms, fertilization can not be too late, about 25 days before harvest to stop fertilization. Both watering and fertilization should be carried out sooner or later.
Diseases mainly include viral diseases, melasma, soft rot and downy mildew. In addition to complete prevention and control of aphids, viral diseases can be sprayed with 20% of virus A for 800 times; after a year, 100,000 units/kg of agricultural streptomycin or 20% of locust bacteria are sprayed on black spot and soft rot. 500 times, even the defense 2-3 times; downy mildew with 80% of 600 times the big students or 72% DuPont Kelu 750 times spray.
Insect pests mainly include aphids, yellow striped hops, and diamondback moths. Insects are seriously damaged during the seedling stage and initial stage of colonization. They are sprayed with 10% net 3000 times solution or 3% acetamiprim 2000 times solution; yellow song strips are sprayed with 80% dichlorvos 800-1000 times; and diamondback moth is used. Ao Qing No. 800 or 5% Ruijinte 1500 times liquid prevention.
Harvested in early April. The harvesting standard is 5 to 10 cm in height with buds. At this time, the harvest yield is the highest, the quality is the best, and it is easy to process and improve the quality and efficiency of the finished product. General mu produce freshly squeezed tumor 2500 ~ 5000 kg, mu production value of 1000 ~ 1500 yuan.
4. The spring cabbage sharp-tip variety of spring cabbage is generally sown in early October and the flat-head variety is sown in mid-late November. Spring cabbage should not be sown prematurely, and it may cause premature convulsions. Spring cabbage varieties should be selected from the winter strong, early ball type, mainly pointed and flat two types. The sharp-edged varieties include chicken heart, beef heart, spring competition, and spring extension; the flat-head variety has crown king and lake moon.
The generally pointed varieties are exposed in open field and the flat varieties are protected by nursery. The sowing method was used to sow 0.75 kg per acre. After emergence, the seedlings are sprayed 1 or 2 times and properly watered. The seedling age of the tip species is 40 to 45 days, and the flat head species is about 60 days.
In the first half of transplanting, combined with deep-turning application of 2000 to 2500 kg of organic fertilizer per acre as a base fertilizer, a width of 1.5 meters, a good deep groove and waist ditch. The tip varieties will be planted in the middle and late November and flat in the early February to late February. Remove large seedlings when planting. The tip variety Mu is planted in 3000-3500, and the flat variety is 2500.
The sharp-pointed species generally chase 1 or 2 times of fat during the year, and each time after 7 days of living, they apply about 10 kilograms of compound fertilizer per acre. After that, the plants have the phenomenon of lack of fertilizer and can chase one time as appropriate; in late January, fertilizers are promptly applied to promote Hair trees, the same number as the first time. The plant applies a heavy fertilizer at the time of wrapping, applying about 15 kilograms of compound fertilizer per acre. The flat head variety is basically the same as the tip variety, and the amount has increased. Spring cabbage from the colonization to seal line, need to combine weeding loose soil 2 or 3 times. Spring cabbage must pay attention to the control of Plutella xylostella and cabbage caterpillar, to master the use of concentration and safety intervals.
Sharp-tip varieties are generally harvested from mid-April to mid-May, and flat-headed varieties are generally harvested from early June to early July. When harvesting, use a kitchen knife to go to the root and go to the outer leaves. The net vegetable is listed.
5. Spring cabbage Chinese spring cabbage should be resistant to low temperature, heat, early maturity, high yield and high quality varieties. Ordinary autumn and winter Chinese cabbage varieties are not suitable for spring off season cultivation. At present, the varieties that are better applied in production include spring generals, Jujin, Spring and Autumn Period 54, early maturity No. 6, Chunguang and Golden Delicious.
Cabbage seed vernalized crops, germinating seeds can pass vernalization at a temperature below 10°C for 15 to 30 days, and in the case of long-day sunshine there is a suitable temperature for very easy twitching and flowering. Therefore, sowing should not be done prematurely. The general greenhouses can be covered with small plastic sheds and covered with plastic film. They can be broadcast live from the end of January to the beginning of February, and can be harvested in mid-to-late April; greenhouses can be planted in small sheds, and mulching can be planted in mid-February, in early April. Transplanting, listed in mid-May; mulching film coverage can be sowed in late March to early April, and listed in early May and early June. Seeding late, due to the late high temperature affect the ball.
Seedlings are planted in greenhouses. Seedlings are first prepared and conditions can be used to grow seedlings or plug seedlings. Choose sunny and stable days sowing, sowing before planting water, soaking after soaking the water or sowing the seed directly in the seedbed or nutrient pods (plug tray), two pods per pod, until the real leaves grow Dingmiao, each pod (Point) Keep a strong seedling. In the greenhouse, multi-layered insulation is used, and when the cold wave comes, it can cover non-woven materials such as non-woven fabrics or shade nets. When the temperature is higher than 20°C during the daytime, it is necessary to ventilate the air in a timely manner to prevent it from growing. Seedling period should ensure that the temperature in the facility is 13~25°C, and the temperature difference between day and night is 10°C, and the temperature should not be lowered below 10°C.
The temperature of spring cabbage planting is still low, should be selected sunny, in order to facilitate the slow seedlings, seedling age of 40 days, the number of leaves 6 to 7 pieces. In spring, there are more rainwater, and deep ditch sorghum should be used. Narrow sorghum cultivation is appropriate, and sill width is 1 to 1.2 meters. Spring cabbage has a short growth period and a small plant size, and should be planted in close proportion. Generally, about 4000 plants are planted in acres. Before the planting covers the film, it is required that the film is flat on the ground, and after the planting, the human excrement is used as the rooting water to promote the survival, and the film hole is sealed with the soil. Broadcast two seeds per hole in general, cover the film after sowing, and use a small amount of seedlings to make up for seedlings with seedlings. Seedlings should be sowed in about 5 days. Seedlings should be broken in time and the soiled plastic film should be kept firmly in place for 10 days. Around the time and time seedlings Dingmiao. Greenhouses and small arch shelters and other facilities for cultivation, the growth of pre-mainland insulation, in the late growth period according to temperature rise, timely film removal and ventilation, during the day to maintain 20 ~ 25 °C, night temperature around 15 °C, the minimum temperature in mid-April rise Above 15°C, remove all films. Before easing the seedlings, it is generally not watered, so as to increase the temperature of the ground. After easing the seedlings, the temperature rises gradually. The leeward surface of the small arch sheds a small mouth and releases air, and the number of openings increases with increasing temperature. In early May, when the weather was fine or late in the evening, the small arch scaffold was removed and the film was dropped. The seedlings were hand-opened on the membrane and the seedlings were compacted with soil to prevent the film from blowing up.
Spring cabbage has a short growing season, and on the basis of applying basal fertilizer, it is necessary to have early water and fertilizer. Before the first half of planting Mushi 1500 kg decomposed organic fertilizer, plus 15 kg of urea, 30 kg of superphosphate, 15 kg of potassium sulfate. During the growth period, according to the growing trend, topdressing urea or human urine in a timely manner, and pay attention to the combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; At the beginning of the ball stage at the end of the rosette period, NPK fertilizer is applied 15 to 20 kg per mu to promote leaf ball enrichment.
Spring cabbage is vulnerable to aphids and cabbage caterpillars. It should be sprayed with 1500-times liquid Aimeilai, 1500-times liquid Aifuding, or DuPont Anda and other agents for prevention and treatment. Spring cabbage is also prone to downy mildew. It can be treated with 60% fluomezan manganese wettable powder 600 times liquid or 80% wettable powder 600~800 times liquid.
When the spring cabbage ball reaches maturity of 7-8, it can be listed one after another and harvested when fully mature. The late flower buds are easily extracted from the ball, and the leaves are perishable when exposed to high temperatures or rain.
6, short bean beans, bean growth is strong, easy to cultivate, can be harvested 55-65 days after sowing, without brackets, production costs and labor lighter. Dwarf beans can be planted separately or interplanted with other crops, and are high-quality agricultural products that are exported through quick-freezing exports and sold on the domestic market. It is more suitable for planting in the south rice area. Variety can be used supplier, French dwarf beans, "1006", 81-6 (Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences Vegetable Institute) and other high quality.
Choose thick-field cultivation, loose soil, high organic matter content and relatively high topography. If the soil pH is below 5.5, then lime should be used to neutralize acidity to facilitate the growth of kidney bean. Combine 1500 kg of organic fertilizer and soil miscellaneous fertilizer per acre deep-turning, 30-35 kg of phosphate fertilizer, 10 kg compound fertilizer and 15 kg of potash fertilizer after deep-dumping. After fully mixing, it will be used as a sorghum with a width of 1.5 meters. It is 20-25 cm high and 30 cm deep.
Spring beans are mainly planted in spring and sown in late March and early April. The spring sowed dwarf beans are most afraid to encounter the repeated low temperature or continuous rainy weather, it is easy to cause rotten species and die seedlings, require mulching film cultivation.
Before sowing, soy seeds are sown with 0.3% Formamide or carbendazim. Planting methods: pure seeding or intercropping uses direct seeding, with three lines of each seedling, intercropping and planting with two holes on both sides, 25 cm spacing, 3-4 seeds per hole, and 1.5-2 cm cover soil. Spray herbicides after sowing, spraying 100 kg of butachlor and 50 kg of water per acre evenly on the ground. Then cover with plastic film, sealed insulation, when the emergence of about 70%, timely film rupture seedlings. After the emergence of more seedlings should be promptly deleted seedlings, leaving 2-3 per hole seedlings.
The principle of top-dressing is to apply less before flowering, to apply more after flowering, and to re-apply after harvesting. After the second pair of real leaves grows, it is poured with 3-5 kg ​​urea and watered; when the leaves are 5-6 pieces, the ternary compound fertilizer 6-9 kg is used for watering once to control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, and the spring is Cold water should be kept low. When the flower is scarred, apply compound fertilizer twice, 12-15 kg each time. 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate foliar spraying at flowering stage has a certain effect on the prevention of falling flowers and plants. During the growing season of dwarfing beans, it is experiencing a rainy season. Therefore, it is necessary to timely drain the ditch and reduce the groundwater level.
The main pests and diseases are aphids and leaf roller insects. Based on agricultural control, a net control of aphids is used once again, and Fritillaria and Cixi are used to control small leaf roller insects.
Under normal circumstances, harvesting can be done within 10-15 days after flowering. When the temperature is low, it takes 15-20 days. When the soybean meal changes from flat to round, the color changes from green to light green, and the appearance is glossy. . It takes about 55-65 days from sowing to harvesting. It can be harvested once every two days at the beginning of harvest, and harvested every day during the peak season. The harvesting specifications are based on the requirements of the quick-frozen enterprises. The general center diameter is less than 0.8 cm, generally The output is about 1000 kg.

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