How to prevent eggplant blight

Eggplant Mushroom Disease, commonly known as rotten fruit and water rot, is one of the most important diseases of eggplant and it is common in all parts of the country. Eggplant can be affected during each growth period. The general loss is 20-30%, and when it is severe, it is more than 50%. The result is also a prosperous period. The rainy areas and years often burst into disasters and cause devastating losses. First, disease identification mainly damages the fruit, and the fruit on the ground surface is first attacked. The water spot begins to be round spot and then expands to the whole fruit. The lesions are slightly sunken, yellow-brown or dark brown, dark brown flesh, rot, and easy to fall off. When the humidity is high, dense white cotton flocculent mycelium grows on the surface of the diseased part. It can also cause damage to leaves, stems, flowers, and tender stems, resulting in water stains, dark green or purple-brown lesions, contracture or breakage. When the humidity is high, sparse white mold is produced and the upper leaves wilted. Leaf lesions produce irregular or near-circular water-stained brown lesions, with obvious bands. When wet, sparse white mold is produced on the lesions. The seedlings were killed and the base of the embryos became watery and necrotic, causing tripping. Second, the incidence of disease Eggplant Mushroom disease is a fungal disease. The oocysts of pathogenic bacteria overwinter in soil or sicknesses. In the second year, winds, rain, and irrigation spread through wind and rain splashes to infect fruits and stems and leaves near the ground. High-temperature and high-humidity, sunny storms after rain, excessive plant density, poor ventilation and light transmission, low-lying land, and heavy soil are vulnerable to disease. Third, prevention and control methods 1, selection of anti-(resistant) disease varieties. Because the resistance of eggplant varieties to M. blight is very different, local experience suggests that C. oleracea type varieties are more resistant to diseases than L. giganteus types. For example, Beijing's nine leaves eggplant, Tianjin's lantern red, Shandong's five-star eggplant and so on. As the main cause of disease resistance and disease resistance is a smooth fruit surface, and it is not easy to leave water droplets and water mist to leave existing conditions. In the absence of water droplets and water mist, even if there are sporangia, there is no germination condition. In addition, thick-skinned varieties are more disease-resistant than thin-skinned varieties, and early-maturing varieties are more disease-resistant than late-maturing varieties. 2, mulching. Using black mulch to cover the ground or between rows, it can block spore propagation of Solanum spores in the soil, thus playing a better preventive effect. Sunlight can also be used for high temperature sterilization and to prevent the growth of weeds. 3, the implementation of rotation. To make reasonable arrangements for plots, bogey and tomatoes, peppers and other Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae crops. In addition to harming eggplant, the strain of M. blight also harms crops such as tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, cucumbers, and squash, and generally implements a rotation system for crop rotation for more than three years. 4, carefully selected. It is necessary to pay attention to land plots with high dryness and well-drained land, and use deep ditch sorghum cultivation methods to facilitate drainage after rain. To prevent the cultivation of earthworms, try to avoid the heavy soil and the land that is easy to collect water after the rain. 5, scientific fertilizer. Apply sufficient fertilizer to manures, increase phosphorus and potash fertilizers, apply topdressing at the right time, do not collect water with fine water, and apply water immediately after heavy rain at noon so as to resist infestation and increase plant disease resistance. 6, fine management. Timely pruning, hit the lower old leaves, improve ventilation and light conditions in the field, timely removal of diseased leaves, diseased fruit, and bring the sick body out of the field to prevent re-infection. 7, pharmaceutical control. Before the colonization of eggplant, the seedbed was sprayed with 50% Kedandan WP 500 times, so that it was sprayed and protected with 70% zein zinc WP 500 times, and the initial disease appeared to be the central disease strain. Remove it immediately and spray it for prevention and treatment. In the result period, especially before the rainy season, spraying protection is needed to prevent diseases. Some farmers started from the rainy season and sprayed once every 7 days to protect 1:1:200 Bordeaux fluid. The effect was very good. Once the disease has occurred, it must be applied immediately. There are 75% chlorothalonil 500-600 times night, 50% thiophanate-methyl WP 800 times, 40% EB aluminum WP 200 times, 64% antivirus 500 times, etc. Spray once every 7-10 days, even spray 3-4 times, in order to prevent the formation of drug resistance each drug should use different types of drugs.

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