Grass carp summer flower cultivation key technology

I. Pond conditions

The pond area is suitable for about 3,500 square meters. The water depth is more than 2 meters, the pool is stable, no water leakage, adequate water supply, fresh water, convenient drainage and irrigation. Equipped with a 2-kilowatt aerator.

Second, the choice of fish species

The stocked grass carp species should be strong in physique, smooth in appearance, bright in color, shiny, disease-free, non-injured, full of scales, and strong in water at the top, and should not be opened immediately after leaving the water. Before stocking, the selected species of summer fish should be immersed and sanitized with 3% to 4% saline.

Third, bait half bucket cultivation

The cultivation of summer fish and grass carp is generally done in the fingerling ponds for the cultivation of pupa or duckweed, that is, one month prior to the stocking of the grass carp, first clear pond, and then sufficient basal fertilization. The manure is generally used as a base fertilizer for every 667 square meters. 400 to 500 kg of manure was used, and then bamboo was used to partition the surface of the water into a cross-shaped frame. Then, every 667 m 2 of castoria or duckweed 16 to 25 kilograms was put into the frame. After 15 days, apply 25-50 kg of manure every 667 m 2 every 2 days, or dilute it with 1 kg of ammonium bicarbonate and 0.5 kg of superphosphate and dilute it with water. Spray it every day, every morning, evening, and evening. Accelerate the breeding of duckweed.

Fourth, fish stocking

For every 667 square meters of water, 4,000 to 5,000 grass carp are commonly stocked, 1,000 for carp, 1,500 for carp, 10 for herring, 2,500 for carp, and 500 for carp. When stocking, the main fish should be stocked early, which not only can ease the conflict between the scion and the fish and the space for fish, but also can further improve the specifications of the main fish and increase its bait ability.

Five, bait half bucket feeding

After the summer grass carp is under the pond, it does not need to be fed in the initial stage. When the pupae or duckweed is about to be eaten, the soybean milk is splashed every day and 2 pounds of pupae are fed every thousand pounds. When it grows to more than 3 centimeters, every thousand After the tail feeding, 4 kg, more than 7 cm, each duck is fed with 10 kg of duckweed or rotund algae. After 20 days, when it grows to about 10 cm, it can be fed with grass or young land grass and fine feed. . From July to August, the amount of bait was properly controlled and no feeding was performed at night. In the late September, feeding should be strengthened to allow the fish to eat day and night.

VI. Water Quality Management

Summer fish and grass ponds use fertilizer ponds. After 20 days, water quality should be properly controlled. Every 10 days of new water should be recharged every 2 days. Partially old water should be drained. The transparency of water quality can be maintained at about 35 cm. Promotes the appetite of grass carp. In the middle and late September, the number of water additions is gradually reduced, and fertilizers are chased at the same time. Once every 7 to 10 days, urea doses of 1.5 to 2.5 kg and phosphate fertilizers of 2.5 to 5 kg can be applied to each 667 square meter pond.

Seven, fish disease prevention

After the grass carp grows to 10cm, it is susceptible to bleeding and enteritis. According to the principle of "disease-free prevention and early treatment of disease," after entering July, bleaching powder shall be splashed once every 15 days to a concentration of 1ppm; and every 20 Days, spatter an insecticide, King Exterminator and other insecticides. The treatment of bacterial grass carp disease generally uses chlorine dioxide, bromochlorohydantoin and other drugs, the treatment of grass carp parasite disease generally uses extermination, copper sulfate and ferrous sulfate mixture and so on.

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