Four Problems of Fertilizer Application in Wheat Production

Firstly, only the application of nitrogen fertilizers should be emphasized, and NPK fertilizers should be used in conjunction with them.

Second, there are too many nitrogenous fertilizers in some areas. Nitrogen fertilizer should be used according to the land output capacity. Generally 300 kg per mu wheat, 10 kg pure nitrogen, 400 kg wheat, 12 kg pure nitrogen, 500 kg wheat, 14 kg pure nitrogen, 600 Kg wheat pure nitrogen 16 kg;

Third, the use of nitrogen fertilizer is irrational: all nitrogen fertilizers are applied at the same time as “one bombardment”, or the amount of base fertilizer is too much in high-yield fields, and the topdressing fertilizer is too little, or the nitrogen fertilizer application time is early in the future. High-yield fields should use wheat nitrogen fertilizer to transfer high yield. High-quality cultivation techniques, 50% nitrogen application and 50% topdressing.

The fourth is to promote the combination of potash fertilizer application and topdressing at the jointing stage, which will help reduce the loss and increase the utilization rate of potash fertilizer.

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