Aquatic draught and disinfection technology in healthy aquaculture ponds

I. Pond dredging and disinfection

Dredging and disinfection of ponds is an important measure to prevent diseases and reduce epidemic outbreaks. After desilting, use 100-200 kilograms of quick lime or 15-20 kilograms of bleaching powder (containing more than 25% of available chlorine) per acre for disinfection. After five days, set a 60-mesh filter in the water inlet of the pond.

Second, comprehensive disinfection technology

1, seed disinfection: According to different types of seed different specifications, select different drugs and the use of dose. The fry can be used for 10-30 minutes with a 50 mg/L povidone iodine solution and 10-20 mg/L potassium permanganate.

2. Tool disinfection: Various farming equipment such as nets, plastics, and wooden tools are often the medium for the transmission of pathogens, especially in the epidemic season, should be dedicated to a pool. If the number of tools is insufficient, soak for 5 minutes with 50kg/L potassium permanganate or 200mg/L bleach, etc., then wash with clean water, or use after each sun exposure. .

3, bait disinfection: feeding the product with food can not be disinfected. If fresh live fish (including frozen ones) are to be fed, they should be sterilized with 30 mg/l of elevated potassium manganate or 100-200 mg/l of bleach for 5 minutes, then rinsed with fresh water and then fed.

Third, drug prevention: the occurrence of aquaculture disease is often prevalent in April-October, regular drug prevention. Breeding water can use quicklime 15-20 mg/L or bleaching powder 1-1.5 mg/L, 2 times per month.

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