Symptom recognition and prevention measures of vegetable deficiency syndrome

Frequently, readers ask Xiaobian about the problem of deficiency in vegetable cultivation. Today, Xiaobian comes to a large summary of vegetable deficiency: nitrogen deficiency, sulfur deficiency, iron deficiency, zinc deficiency, lack of molybdenum, copper deficiency, and manganese deficiency. Take a look at the symptom recognition and prevention measures.


How to judge these 7 kinds of deficiency?

Nitrogen deficiency

Typical performance

From the old leaves, it turns green and yellow, and gradually develops upwards;

The plant is short and thin, with small and small fruit and light color.

Sulfur deficiency

Typical performance

The leaves of the whole plant are yellowish green, and the veins and mesophyll will lose color;

The plant grows slowly, and when it is severe, the old leaves turn yellowish white.

Iron deficiency

Typical performance

First, the young part of the top is chlorotic;

The leaf veins are chlorotic and yellow, and the veins are still dark green.

Different plants are different, the dicotyledons are net-like patterns, and the monocotyledons are striped patterns;

In severe cases, there are necrotic spots and gradually die.


Zinc deficiency

Typical performance

The new leaves first appear grayish green or yellowish white, and the green veins first lose green;

Plant internode shortening, short;

Blocked leaf growth will grow small leaves.

Molybdenum deficiency

Typical performance

Leaf flagellate caudate, cup or yellow lobes;

Plant growth is poor, short.

Copper deficiency

Typical performance

Young leaves are chlorotic, necrotic, deformed or withered leaves;

The top is dry, the stem is cracked, and the fruit is small.

Manganese deficiency

Typical performance

First, the green leaves are yellow and yellow;

The veins and leaves are still green, and the veins are clearer;


What are the effects of these seven elements on crops?

1. Nitrogen is involved in the composition of many organic compounds in plants, such as proteins, chlorophyll, enzymes, vitamins, alkaloids, hormones, and nucleic acids. Nitrogen is called a living element.

2. Sulfur is involved in protein synthesis and metabolism, affecting the formation of chlorophyll, or structural components of many volatile chemicals (such as garlic, onion, mustard, etc.).

3. Iron affects the formation of chlorophyll, promotes the respiration of cells, and affects the formation of sucrose in plants.

4. Zinc plays an important role in the formation and development of reproductive organs.

5. Molybdenum participates in the nitrogen fixation of root nodule (such as legumes).

6. Copper affects symbiotic nitrogen fixation.

7. Manganese promotes seed germination and early growth of seedlings.


What causes the crop to lose these seven elements?

Generally these 7 kinds of deficiency are not very common in vegetables! If it appears, the reason is probably that the following base fertilizers are not applied well, the management is extensive, and a large amount of NPK fertilizer is used, and no trace or trace element fertilizer is added.

How to solve these deficiency symptoms?

1. Methods for prevention and treatment of nitrogen deficiency

Apply 7.5-10 kg of urea per acre, or apply 0.5%-1% urea solution to the foliage.

2, sulfur deficiency prevention methods

Apply 10 kg of ammonium sulfate per acre, or 20 kg of superphosphate.

3. Iron deficiency prevention and treatment methods

Foliar spray of 02%-0.5% ferrous sulfate solution, even spray 2-3 times, each interval 1-10 days, each time spray 50-75 kg of fertilizer per acre.

4, zinc deficiency prevention methods

Apply 1 kg of zinc sulfate per acre, or spray 0.1%-0.2% zinc sulphate solution 2-3 times per time, 50-75 kg per mu of spray solution, 0.2% slaked lime when spraying. Adjust the pH of the solution to avoid burning vegetables.

5, molybdenum prevention and treatment methods

It can be sprayed 1-2 times with 0.05% to 0.1% ammonium molybdate solution.

6, copper deficiency prevention methods

Foliar application of 0.02%-0.04% copper sulfate solution, spraying 50-75 kg of fertilizer solution per acre.

7. Manganese deficiency prevention method

Foliar application of 0.05%-0.1% manganese sulfate solution, spraying 50 kg of fertilizer solution per acre.

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