Summer high temperature and high humidity available empty straw mushroom

In the hot summer season with high temperature and high humidity, unused straw can be used to cultivate straw mushrooms. Site treatment Clean the shed, repair the shed film, disinfect the ground and walls, and cover the roof with wheat straw. In the shed, the squat was 80 centimeters wide and 10 centimeters high, and a 60 centimeter wide drain was dug between the two rafts. Raw material preparation Soak the wheat straw, wheat bran and oyster mushroom in 5% lime water until the ph value reaches 12-13. One day before sowing, the pods should be filled with water, first sprayed with 5% lime water, and then sprayed with 500 times phoxim to disinfect the insecticides. Then, 30% of the wheat straw was sprinkled into the sorghum flour and compacted. The same procedure was used to lay three layers of compaction and cover the soil with a thickness of 1 to 1.5 cm to make it turtle-like and immediately cover the mulch. Finally, make 3 rows of holes in the membrane. The normal growth temperature of the management of straw mushroom is about 35°C. If the temperature of the greenhouse exceeds 45°C, the membrane should be uncovered for ventilation and heat dissipation. The humidity of the material surface is generally about 70%. If the humidity is not enough, 1% of the urea water should be sprayed on the haystack or sprayed in the cultivation rake. In the growth stage of mycelium, direct exposure of the material surface to light should be avoided, and the light should be weak and not strong, but the mushrooming period needs strong light. If the ph value of the culture material is less than 7, 1% clear lime water should be sprayed into the material for adjustment. 8 to 10 days after inoculation, you can see the mushrooms for 11 to 12 days.