Plastic film mulching after cultivation of spring lettuce

First, timely planting

In the middle region of our province, the suitable planting period for spring lettuce is generally in late March. Mushi chicken manure 4 cubic meters, compound fertilizer 30 kilograms, boron fertilizer 1 kilogram, zinc fertilizer 1 kilogram, deep leveling, made flat. Colonization should be carried out in the morning on a sunny day. The planting depth can be set flush with the soil. Watering after planting, planting density is generally controlled at a row spacing of 40 cm and a spacing of 30 cm.

Second, field management

During planting, planting water was planted, and the mulching film was planted the next day after planting to increase the ground temperature and quickly reduce seedlings. Due to the low temperature in early spring, it is not appropriate to water more. After 15 days of planting, the second water is poured, and then the seedlings are entered. When the tender stems of lettuce begin to expand, they should be top-dressed with water and Mushi ammonium bicarbonate 50 kg. Enter the tender stem after the expansion period is more sensitive to moisture, should always keep the soil moist, about 7 days pouring 1 water.

Third, disease prevention and pest control

Downy mildew is a common disease in lettuce production. It mainly infects the leaves. After the onset, the seedlings turn yellow and die. The adult plants start from the old leaves of the lower part and produce irregular pale green to yellow irregular spots on the leaves. Corresponds to the white mold, sometimes mold layer can spread to the front of the blade. Later lesions on the leaves turned brown, connected to pieces, yellow and dry. In some cases, germs can spread to the stem, causing the stem to darken. Control can be used 68.75% silver fali spray. Small ground tigers and other underground pests mainly harm the roots of lettuce, and can be used to administer phoxim in late March. Aphids and whitefly can be sprayed with 10% of imidacloprid 800-1000 times.

Fourth, timely harvest

The harvest period of lettuce is at the time when the heart leaves and the outer leaves are level, and is commonly called "flat mouth", that is, when the top of the lettuce is at the level of the tip of the tallest blade, it is the best harvesting period. The harvest is too early, the yield is low, the harvest is too late and the quality is declining.

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