How to give a rational fertilization of flowers and trees and pay attention to

Fertilization is an important part of the cultivation and management of flowers. In order to make the flowers that they cultivate flourish, colorful, and fruitful, we must master scientific methods of fertilization.

First, according to fertilizer characteristics Fertilizer: At present, the market has a lot of flower special fertilizers, family flowers are best to buy from, both convenient and hygienic. Inorganic fertilizers include flowers, fruit seeds, leaf-specific fertilizers, and compound fertilizers. In the organic fertilizers, decomposed poultry fertilizers and unroofed bean cakes, hemp sauce residues, and horseshoe palms are used. Fertilization should be based on the choice of different flower varieties and different growth stages. For example, Guanhua this plant should be applied during the vegetative growth of compound fertilizer, into the flowering period should be applied to view flower special fertilizer, enter the results of the period should be applied to fruit special fertilizer. Leafy woody plants should be treated with leaf-specific fertilizers.

Second, according to the growth period of fertilization: plant germination before budding or early stage to apply bud fertilizer, this period of fertilization with nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium supplement; plants from flowering to flowering to buds, urging flower fertilizer, fertilize with phosphine during this period Fertilizers are dominant; plants will be topdressed after flowering until the end of the result period. In this period, N, P, K, and trace elements should be applied. When the plants are dormant or overwinter, basic fertilizer should be applied. Combined with soil improvement measures, fertilization at this stage should be Organic fertilizer dominates.

Third, according to the growing trend of fertilization: different flowers need different soil environmental conditions, when the environmental conditions are very different, the flowers do not adapt to growing weak. Fertilization should be based on growth potential to determine the amount of application, the same variety, the growth of healthy plants in accordance with the instructions for fertilizer application of sufficient fertilizer, growth of weak plants should be reduced as needed, and then gradually increase to the normal amount. The weakly growing plants have weak absorption capacity for fertilizers and they use too much energy. The result will be counterproductive.

In short, rational fertilization should follow the principle of nutrient element balance and the combination of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer, and be applied flexibly according to the type and growth status of flowers. At the same time, it should be noted that when the temperature is high around noon, fertilizer should not be applied, and no concentrated fertilizer should be applied. Base fertilizer should be applied when changing basins or transplanting plants.

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