Causes of Seed Fever and Prevention Measures

Causes of Seed Fever The seeds continue to breathe during storage, releasing moisture and heat in succession. If these moisture and calories cannot be distributed in time, and they accumulate in the seed pile, they will intensify the respiration intensity of the seeds and release more moisture and calories. Such repeated and mutual promotion will cause the seeds to heat for a long time. Due to the respiration of seeds, a large amount of moisture and heat accumulate in the seed heap, which is beneficial to the growth and reproduction of microorganisms. The release of more moisture and calories during microbial activity is more likely to cause seed fever. During seed storage, due to poor storage conditions or improper management, seed moisture absorption and dampening will occur. The greater the seed moisture content, the stronger the respiration and the more moisture and heat will be released, which will result in seed fever. In addition, in some pests such as sac, if a large number of breeding activities, but also to promote seed fever. Prevention and control measures Seed storage should be selected in the high dry terrain, low groundwater level, sunny place, the warehouse must have a certain degree of moisture and heat insulation, can not only maintain the low temperature and dry, but also ventilation, anti-warm and loose. The lower the seed moisture content, the weaker the respiration. Before storage of seeds, they should be fully air-dried, clean, and strictly tested so that their water content, cleanliness, etc., can reach the safe storage standards before they can be stored. If the weather is not good enough and there is no adequate drying, after the seeds are put into storage, strong ventilation should be carried out to reduce the moisture content of the seeds. Breathing is vigorous during seed ripening. Therefore, before the seeds are stored in the storage, they should be fully air-dried so as to promote the subsequent ripening effect. In the early stage of storage, the seeds of crops with long ripening effect should be strongly ventilated to reduce the temperature and disperse moisture. After exposure, the seeds should be fully air-dried and cooled, and then stored in storage, so as to avoid excessively high seed temperature and increased respiration, or due to the large temperature difference between the warehouse and the seeds, and the phenomenon of redistribution of water occurs, resulting in moisture absorption of the seeds. During the storage of seeds, the temperature and humidity of the warehouse should be inspected. If there is an abnormal phenomenon, you should choose sunny weather, timely ventilation, cooling and loose. And identify the reasons and take timely response measures. During seed storage, inspection of seed temperature, moisture content, and pests should also be enhanced. Abnormal phenomena should be promptly taken to respond to measures such as ventilation, squatting the surface of the seed pile, dumping the warehouse, drying and removing impurities, etc., to reduce the tide. Using methods such as exposure and freezing can worsen the living conditions of pests and microorganisms, and can also directly kill pests and microorganisms. If the insect pests are serious or difficult to turn over, they can be used for drying and can be controlled by aluminum phosphide or phosphine.