Hawthorn's pruning features

In a long period of time, Hawthorn management and pruning are relatively extensive, and many do not pay attention to the tree shape, so there are more common in the tree structure disorders, bald indole, surface results, lower yield and other bad phenomenon. The pruning of the hawthorn tree is slightly more complicated than the pruning of apples and pears. In the process of pruning, it should be consistent with its growth habits and natural environment conditions. If pruning, cutting more, then the formation of late, the result is late, the early yield is not high; if the slow release is not cut, the tree shape disorder, the result It may be earlier, but the yield is not high, and it is not productive in the later period. There is neither a reasonable tree structure nor a suitable branch distribution. Hawthorn tree pruning principle should be based on species and species characteristics, environmental conditions, fertilizer and water management level, tree potential, branching potential characteristics and other flexible, can not be stereotyped. When the hawthorn saplings are reshaped, the trunks should be low, and the opening angles of the backbone branches should be large in order to make full use of the light and heat resources and space; reasonably use the auxiliary rearing branches to maintain a moderately strong tree trunk and a good ventilation and light transmission condition within the crown. Hawthorn saplings grow too prosperous, the formation of fewer flower buds, fruit set rate is also low; tree vigor, flower buds are more, but the quality is poor, fruit set rate is low, drop serious fruit drop; only maintain the golden mean tree trend, in order to obtain high yield every year. The size of hawthorn is not obvious, but if it is over-pruned, nutrition grows too fast, nutrition is scarce, or the number of results is too large, there may be phenomena of size and annual results. The vegetative growth of hawthorn saplings is generally stronger than that of apple trees and pear trees. If pruning requires a tree shape and the amount of pruning is too heavy, it is easy to cause leggy, suppress the formation of flower buds, and postpone the result of years. At present, the main problem in hawthorn pruning is simplification. It is believed that as long as the dense branches are eliminated, the retraction of the branches will be sufficient. Therefore, some hawthorn trees are not tree-shaped, their structures are irrational, the main branch is too much, the extension branches are cut too long, or the dumping is not cut, the auxiliary raising branches are larger than the stem branches, the strong ones are weak, the bases are bare, and the empty ones are empty The result is a small area and low yield. Some hawthorn gardens are not dry after planting, and the top bud shoots extend too long, single branches grow, and the total branches do not have much, resulting in fewer branches and affecting early yields; some hawthorn trees are dried and all branches that germinate remain. One stick is not sparse, and there are dense branches in the stem, strong main branch, and weak main stem. This pruning method, although it can also be an early result, but due to unreasonable plastic surgery, very few branches, low yield, poor quality, resulting in tree-shaped disorder, the main lateral branch is not divided, the branch group is very small, auxiliary branch is larger than the backbone Branches are not normal. Retaining auxiliary branches can lead to early results, but if there are too many auxiliary branches, it will inevitably affect the illumination in the interior, causing tree-like disorder, sparse branches, and low yield and instability. In some hawthorn gardens, light and long cuts are made in the middle and dry, while the three main branches in the first layer are cut short and cut in the summer, and the hearts are picked repeatedly. The result is that the stem is too thick and the ground is thick. Branches are not evenly balanced; in some hawthorn gardens, in the summer, the first and second branches of the extension branch are heavily topping, even three times a year. The earlier and heavier the picking of the summer, the greater the number of times, the more severe the inhibition of the growth and growth of the mother branch. Because the growth of the main branch of the first layer was inhibited, the growth of the stems became more intense, exacerbating the weak imbalance between the strong stems and the main branch of the first layer. When the saplings are reshaped, it is also improper to use the method of throwing long branches to cultivate the result branches. After the long branches are dumped, due to the low germination rate, the transforming ability of the medium and short branches is weak, and the branches are bare and the long branches are thrown too much and too densely. Due to the poor ventilation and light transmission, the medium and short branches are sparse ( Death and the relocation of the result are very serious. After developmental shoots are dumped, although it is easier to form flower buds, due to more branches, weak branching potential, less reserve nutrients, few flowering, few fruit set, and the inside is also easy to bald; also some hawthorn gardens, only pay attention to summer trimming, Ignore winter trim. The earlier the summer pruning, the greater the amount of pruning and the greater the number of times, the more severe the inhibition of the growth and growth of the tree. During the growing season, re-plucking of the backbone extension branches at various times will also inhibit the growth of the trunk and affect the expansion of the crown. Hawthorn tree pruning should be dominated by winter, supplemented by summer.