Ginger cultivation techniques

First, ginger preparation and methods before sowing. 1. Prepared before sowing: (1) Ginger seed: Ginger seed germination, Ginger is larger, although some of the ginger pre-emergence buds have been split, but still need to pick after budding, so before the ginger planting More ginger. The process of picking ginger is essentially the process of block selection and bud selection. When simmering ginger, it is generally required that only one short and strong bud should be kept on each piece of ginger, and a small number of ginger pieces can retain two strong buds according to the condition of young buds, and all other buds should be removed so that the nutrients can supply the main buds in a centralized manner and the whole seedlings can be guaranteed. Wang. If ginger roots are found to be black or if the cross-section of the ginger block is browned, it should be strictly excluded. In addition to picking buds, you should also consider the size of ginger. After many years of experiments, the author has proved that it is advisable to use about 75 grams of seed blocks. When ginger is served, it should also be noted that in order to facilitate management in the future, it can be classified according to the size of the seed and the strength of the young shoots. That is, the thin ginger pieces and the thin and weak ginger pieces are put together, and the obese ginger pieces and the ginger buds with strong buds are put together. Together. Divide when planting, depending on the growth situation. (2) Bottom water: Because the ginger germinates slowly, the sprouting time is long. If the soil moisture is insufficient, the emergence and growth of young shoots will be affected. In order to ensure the smooth emergence of the shoots, the bottom water must be poured before sowing. After the bottom water is generally applied in the trenches, it should be carried out 1 to 2 hours before sowing. The amount of watering should not be too large. Otherwise, the ginger ridges are soaked and the operation is not convenient. 2. Method of sowing: After the bottom water seeps, the pre-prepared ginger seeds can be placed in the ditch at a certain spacing. The method of placing ginger is different in each ginger area. The first is the flat-sowing method, which means that the level of ginger is placed in the ditch to keep the seedlings in the same direction. If things go to the ditch, the ginger buds will all go south; if they go southwards, they will all go west. After entering the ginger, gently press into the mud by hand so that the ginger buds can be level with the soil. Afterwards, we will remove some of the wet soil and cover the buds to prevent burns. In this sowing method, ginger is vertically connected with a new strain of ginger, which facilitates later picking of ginger. The second is the vertical broadcast method, which means that the ginger sticks are inserted into the mud vertically and the ginger buds are all upward. In this sowing method, the ginger is linked up and down with the ginger mother on the new plant, and it is easy to injure the root when the ginger is used, and the operation is also inconvenient. There are ginger areas in the south for the convenience of picking ginger and pour ginger seeds. Although the method is convenient for harvesting ginger, it affects the emergence of young shoots and should not be used in production. Second, ginger should be closely planted. Reasonable dense planting is an important measure to achieve high yields, but determining a reasonable planting density is very complicated. It is affected by various factors such as soil, fertilizer and water conditions, sowing date, seeding rate, and field management level. For example, under high-fertilizer conditions, 7000 plants per acre are grown, the plants grow robustly, the population can be well developed, and the yield per acre can be 3535.1 kg; in the case of medium-fertilizer water, 7000 plants per acre are also planted, and plant growth occurs. Robust, small population, yield of 2948.3 kg per mu. The above phenomenon shows that reasonable planting density is not fixed and should be determined according to local conditions and determined according to specific conditions. Usually, under conditions of fertile soil and fertilizers, the stems and leaves are often lush and the plants are tall. Therefore, the rows and spacings of trees are also properly increased. On the contrary, under the condition of thin mountain land and insufficient fertilizer and water, the plants are usually short and small, so the nutritional area should also be appropriate. Zoom out. In northern China, Ginger is often cultivated in a furrowing manner. According to the general soil fertility status and management level of Ginger, the suitable planting density of Ginger can be roughly divided into three types for reference by producers. First, high-fertilizer paddy field: refers to ample water sources, organic matter content of more than 2%, containing more than 100ppm of alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen, more than 40ppm of available phosphorus, and more than 120ppm of available potassium, can be used with a row spacing of 50cm and a spacing of 19cm per mu. Plant 6500-7000 strains. Second, in the fertilizer field: refers to a good watering condition, containing organic matter 1.2% to 2%, containing 60 to 100ppm of alkali-hydrolysed nitrogen, 15 to 40ppm of available phosphorus, and 80 to 120ppm of available potassium, using a row spacing of 50cm. The plant spacing is 16 to 17 cm and 7800 to 8300 plants are planted per acre. Third, low-fertilizer paddy field: refers to watering conditions in general, containing organic matter below 1.2%, alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen below 60ppm, available phosphorus below 15ppm, and available potassium below 80ppm; spacing can be used between 48 and 50 centimeters, and plant spacing 15 centimeters. About 9000 plants are planted per acre. In the vigorous growth period of ginger, it is more appropriate to maintain the maximum leaf area index 5.5-6.5. In different parts of the South, the cultivation methods are different, and the planting density is also different. Generally, it can be divided into three ways: gardenia, ginger, and ginger. 1. Gardenia jasminoides: that is to open the ditch to build ginger pods, ginger planted in the ditch, the ditch bottom width 40 cm, Lou bottom width 33 cm, general spacing 16 to 17 cm, Chongqing Sichuan species of Gardenia more. 2. Hibiscus pygmaea: Generally, sorghum with a width of 1 meter wide, with a spacing of 50 centimeters, two rows per plant, and 17 to 24 centimeters of plant spacing. 3. Zongzi ginger: Generally 115 to 130 cm wide, according to the spacing and spacing of 33 cm control Wozizi sowing, during the growth period, sub-cultivation soil, soften cultivation of harvested ginger. Tongling, Anhui Province, using sorghum cultivation methods, usually about 2 meters wide, open and horizontal ditch, along the groove 60 cm, spacing between 20 to 24 cm. This type of planting is also used in some areas of Fujian Province. According to Qu Ding and others, the practice in Xinshao County, Hunan Province is: after the site preparation, sorghum is planted, and the width is 38 to 45 cm. A row of ginger is grown for each row, or a width of 45 to 65 cm is created. OK, Jiang Xing is parallel to Chang'e. General flattened fertilizer soil ginger field spacing of 33 to 40 cm, spacing of 24 cm, about 4500 per acre, sloping slopes, 5500 to 6500 per acre seedlings, a single row, spacing of 33 to 40 cm, spacing or spacing 20 ~ 22 cm. Third, how to water ginger. Ginger is wet and not resistant to drought, but its root system is relatively shallow, and it is difficult to absorb water. It is difficult to use the deep water in the soil. Therefore, water must be properly watered to meet the growth needs of ginger. 1. Germination water management: In order to ensure the smooth emergence of ginger, the bottom water must be irrigated at the time of sowing, and usually the first water is not poured until about 70% emergence. However, it should also be based on the local soil quality and lyricism. If it is sandy soil, it has poor water retention and encounters dry weather. Although it has not yet emerged, the soil is very dry. In this case, it should be watered as appropriate. After pouring this water, it is necessary to keep the soil moist, so as to prevent the surface of the soil from being hardened and affect the emergence of seedlings. For clay soils, water retention is good, then about 70% of seedlings will be rewatered. After the emergence of the first water to be poured in a timely manner, not too early or too late. If it is poured too early, the soil surface tends to be tight and the young shoots are difficult to unearth, which can easily result in uneven seedlings. If it is poured too late, the ginger buds are affected by drought and the tips of the buds are easily dried. The experience of Shandong Laiwu Jiang District is: After pouring the first water for 2 to 3 days, followed by pouring the second water and then cultivating the soil, the ginger seedling can grow vigorously. 2. Seedling water management: The seedling stage is small, grows slowly, and requires little water. However, the water requirement during the seedling period is relatively strict and water scarcity is not allowed. In the early seedling stage, it is advisable to use small water for pouring. When the soil is not wet after pouring, it will be shallow and loose, and soil will be preserved. This will help increase the ground temperature and promote root development. In the late seedling stage, it is in the summer season. The weather is dry and hot. The amount of soil evaporation should be increased by increasing the number of times of watering. The relative humidity of the soil is often kept between 65% and 70%. It can prevent both soil drought and ground temperature. It is best to water in the morning or evening during the summer. Do not water at noon. In addition, after the heavy rain, it should be poured into the water by pouring water to cool the temperature, and timely drainage to prevent Jiang Tian water, causing ginger rot. During the entire seedling period, care should be taken to ensure that the water supply is uniform and not to be dry and damp. If the water supply is not uniform, not only the ginger seedlings are short and the growth is inhibited, but the new leaves that occur are often distorted. Seedlings grow normally. 3. Watering vigorously during growing season: After the beginning of autumn, branches and new leaves occur in large parts of the ground, and underground rhizomes rapidly expand. In this period, the plants grow fast, grow large, and require more water. In order to meet the growing demand for water, generally pouring water once every 4 to 6 days, often maintaining a relative humidity of 75% to 85%, which is conducive to the rapid formation of product organs. 3 to 4 days before the harvest, pour a second water, so that when the harvest can be carried on the ginger block with moist soil, is conducive to storage in the next pit. In some places, the early days have low temperatures and more rain, affecting the growth of ginger roots. In order to prevent flooding of ginger fields and ginger seedlings, it is necessary to do a good job of clearing drainage in the fields so that the ditch can communicate with each other and the rain can stop drying, which is conducive to the growth of ginger pods. In the later stage of seedling growth, the temperature is programmed high. In some places, grass, canola shells, broad bean pods, etc. are used to cover the soil surface, which has a good effect on reducing soil evaporation and drought protection. When ginger seedlings have 5 to 6 leaves, the Jiang district in Xinshao County, Hunan, is flooded with water in the morning and evening to maintain a depth of 2 to 3 cm. When there is no rain in the summer and autumn, some places take irrigation in the evening, drainage in the morning, or horse water in the evening, can receive better results. Fourth, ginger top dressing and earth. Ginger in its different growth stages, there are different characteristics of growth and suction characteristics, in addition to the application of base fertilizer, but also staged dressing, in order to meet the needs of ginger growth on nutrients. Under moderate fertility conditions, 25-30 kg of nitrogen, 8-10 kg of phosphorus, and 30-35 kg of potassium are applied per acre, which are applied in 3 top dressings respectively. At the seedling stage, the plant growth is small and requires less fertilizer, but the seedling stage is very long. In order to make the seedlings grow robustly, the first top dressing is usually performed when the seedling height is about 30 cm and there are 1 to 2 small branches. For "small top dressing" or "strong seedlings." Ammonium sulphate 15 to 20 kg per mu can be applied. Before and after the beginning of autumn, it was a turning point in the growth of ginger and a turning point in the absorption of nutrients. Therefore, before and after the autumn, we should combine the removal of ginger grass or remove the ginger shed for the second time dressing, also known as “large top dressing” or “turning fertilizer.” This top dressing plays an important role in promoting rhizome enlargement and obtaining high yield. The top dressing requires the combination of a long-lasting farmyard fertilizer with quick-acting chemical fertilizers, and 70 to 80 kg of young crackers per acre. Or rot 3000 kg of quality manure, plus 15 to 20 kg of compound fertilizer or ammonium sulfate. A fertilization ditch was opened about 15 cm from the base of the plant on the north side of the ginger seedlings. The fertilizer was applied to the ditch to mix the soil and the fertilizer, and then the soil and the ditch were sealed. In early September, when ginger pods have 6 to 8 branches, it is also the period in which the rhizomes rapidly expand. According to the general conditions of the plants, ginger fields can apply compound fertilizer or ammonium sulfate 20 to 25 kg per acre; for soil fertility Better, strong growth of ginger field, can also be applied as appropriate, or less, not stems and leaves long, affecting rhizome enlargement. From the test results, it can be seen that the fertilization period has a large impact on yield. With the same type of fertilizer and the same amount of fertilization, the effect of top-dressing by ginger is the best, and the yield is the highest, compared with the control field (concentrated once fertilization ) Increase production by 8.7%, and yield per plant is also the best. The test results also show that the top-down application of fertilizers plays an important role in the formation of industry. The lack of transfer fertilizers has a great influence on the production and management, and the yield is reduced. At present, there are two kinds of fertilization tendencies to be noted in ginger cultivation. First, fertilizers are not topped off according to fertilizer requirements. Fertilization periods are too concentrated and light before and after. The result is that the former ginger seedlings grow in length, a large number of nutrient flows are lost, the latter lacks fertilizer, and the plants have premature yellowing and the yield is reduced. Second, the partial application of nitrogenous fertilizers and nitrogenous fertilizers are used in excessive amounts and do not pay attention to the combination of various elements such as phosphorus and potassium. The results not only cause the loss and waste of nitrogen nutrients, but also cause the imbalance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Causes the plants to grow in length, reduce the resistance to disease, and reduce the quality of ginger. Fifth, the cultivation of the main method of sprouting ginger. Cultivating strong buds is usually carried out in 3 steps, namely ginger ginger, seed selection and germination. (1) Ginger trapped ginger: 20 to 30 days before the appropriate sowing time (before and after Chingming in the north and before and after the spring equinox in the south), remove the ginger seed from the storage pit and wash away the mud on the ginger grate with the clean water. Dry it on straw mats or clean floors for 1 to 2 days and collect them in the evening to prevent freezing at night. The sun has the following main functions. First, increase the temperature of the ginger block and promote the decomposition of internal nutrients so as to accelerate the germination rate. The temperature in the general ginger cellar is 13-14 degrees. Under this temperature condition, the ginger is basically in a dormant state. After the ginger, the temperature of the ginger is obviously increased. It was determined that, at room temperature 22 degrees Celsius, the surface temperature of ginger blocks stacked indoors without drying was 21 degrees and the internal temperature was 20 degrees. Ginger drying in the sun surface temperature of 29.5 degrees, the internal temperature of 28 degrees. Second, reduce ginger block moisture and prevent ginger pieces from rot. Because of the high air humidity in the ginger cellar, the moisture content of the ginger block is extremely high. After proper drying, the moisture of the ginger block, especially the free water content, can be reduced to prevent the occurrence of mildew in the germination process. Third, it is conducive to choose healthy and disease-free ginger seeds. When the diseased ginger blocks are not exposed to the sun, the symptoms are not obvious. After drying, they often appear dry and shriveled, and the color is gray. The illness is very obvious, so it is easy to eliminate ginger. After 2 to 3 days of ginger drying, they are placed in indoor stacks of 2 to 3, and ginger piles are covered with straw curtains to promote nutrient decomposition. Generally, 2 to 3 times of ginger and trapped ginger can start germination. It must be noted that when ginger is cooked, it must be taken care of, and must not be excessively tanned, especially the tender ginger seeds. Do not expose to sunlight. If the sun is strong at noon, shade the mats to avoid excessive water loss from the ginger seeds. The ginger blocks shrink and sprout weakly. (2) Seed selection: Strict selection of seeds is required during the process of dipping ginger ginger and germination. Selection of ginger should be selected when the hypertrophy, plump, bright skin, fresh meat, no shrinkage, no rot, not frozen, hard texture, no pest hazards of healthy ginger species, strict elimination of thin lean, meat change Brown and soft ginger pieces. (3) Pregermination: Germination can promote the rapid germination of young ginger buds and make the seedlings emerge quickly and neatly after planting. Therefore, it is a very important technical measure. In the warm regions of southern China, after the ginger has been exported, it has buds that can be sown without germination. However, in most areas, it is still cold and rainy in spring, so germination should be carried out. In the process of germination, people in the north called “Ginger Ginger Buds”, mostly before and after Gu Yu, and southern “smoked ginger” or “Qing Qing” were mostly carried out before and after Qingming. Germination methods vary from place to place.